Good evening. This is your Captain.We are about to attempt a crash landing. Please extinuish all cigarettes. Place your tray tables in their upright, locked position.Your Captain says: Put your head on your knees. Your Captain says: Put your head on your hands. Captain says: Put your hands on your head.Put your hands on your hips. Heh heh. This is your Captain-and we are going down. We are all going down, together. And I said: Uh oh. This is gonna be some day. Standby. This is the time. And this is the record of the time. Uh-this is your Captain again. You know, I've got a funny feeling I've seen this all before. Why? Cause I'm a caveman. Why? Cause I've got eyes in the back of my head. Why? It's the heat. Standby. This is the time. And this is the record of the time. This is the time. And this is the record of the time. Put your hands over your eyes. Jump out of the plane. There is no pilot. You are not alone. Standby. This is the time. And this is the record of the time. This is the time. And this is the record of the time. Coo coo it's cold outside. Coo coo it's cold outside. Ooo coo coo. Don't forget your mittens. Hey Pal! How do I get to town from here? And he said: Well just take a right where they're going to build that new shopping mall, go straight past where they're going to put in the freeway, take a left at what's going to be the new sports center, and keep going until you hit the place where they're thinking of building that drive-in bank. You can't miss it. And I said: This must be the place. Ooo coo coo. Golden cities. Golden towns. Golden cities. Golden towns. And long cars in long lines and great big signs and they all say: Hallelujah. Yodellayheehoo. Every man for himself. Ooo coo coo. Golden cities. Golden towns. Thanks for the ride. Big Science. Hallelujah. Big Science. Yodellayheehoo. You know. I think we should put some mountains here. Otherwise, what are all the characters going to fall off of? And what about stairs? Yodellayheehoo. Ooo coo coo. Here's a man who lives a life of danger. Everywhere he goes he stays - a stranger. Howdy stranger. Mind if I smoke? And he said: Every man, every man for himself. Every man, every man for himself. All in favor say aye. Big Science. Hallelujah. Big Science. Yodellayheehoo. Hey Professor! Could you turn out the lights? Let's roll the film. Big Science. Hallelujah. Every man, every man for himself. Big Science. Hallelujah. Yodellayheehoo. I no longer love your mouth. I no longer love your eyes. I no longer love your eyes. I no longer love the color of your sweaters. I no longer love it. I no longer love the color of your sweaters. I no longer love the way you hold your pens and pencils. Your mouth. Your eyes.The way you hold your pens and pencils. I no longer love it. I no longer love it. I wanted you. And I was looking for you.But I couldn't find you.I wanted you. And I was looking for you all day. But I couldn't find you. I couldn't find you. You're walking. And you don't always realize it, but you're always falling. With each step you fall forward slightly. And then catch yourself from falling. Over and over, you're falling. And then catching yourself from falling. And this is how you can be walking and falling at the same time. It was a large room. Full of people. All kinds.And they had all arrived at the same buidling at more or less the same time. And they were all free. And they were all asking themselves the same question: What is behind that curtain? You were born. And so you're free. So happy birthday. O Superman. O judge. O Mom and Dad. Mom and Dad. O Superman. O judge. O Mom and Dad. Mom and Dad. Hi. I'm not home right now. But if you want to leave a message, just start talking at the sound of the tone. Hello? This is your Mother. Are you there? Are you coming home? Hello? Is anybody home? Well, you don't know me, but I know you.And I've got a message to give to you. Here come the planes. So you better get ready. Ready to go. You can come as you are, but pay as you go. Pay as you go. And I said: OK. Who is this really? And the voice said:This is the hand, the hand that takes. This is the hand, the hand that takes. This is the hand, the hand that takes. Here come the planes. They're American planes. Made in America. Smoking or non-smoking? And the voice said: Neither snow nor rain nor gloom of night shall stay these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds. 'Cause when love is gone, there's always justice. And when justive is gone, there's always force. And when force is gone, there's always Mom. Hi Mom! So hold me, Mom, in your long arms. So hold me, Mom, in your long arms.In your automatic arms. Your electronic arms. In your arms.So hold me, Mom, in your long arms.Your petrochemical arms. Your military arms.In your electronic arms. Beispiele paranormaler Tonbandstimmen. Was sind paranormale Tonbandstimmen? Es sind Stimmen unbekannte herkunft. Es sing paranormaler Tonbandstimmen- (Examples of paranormal voices on tape. What are paranormal voices on tape? They are voices of unknown origin. They are paranormal voices on tape-) Ihren Klang. Ich verstehe die Sprachen. Ich verstehe die Sprachen nicht. Ich hore nur Irhen Klang. (Your sound. I understand the languages. I don't understand the languages. I hear only your sound.) The sun is shining slowly The birds are flying so low. Honey you're my one and only,So pay my what you owe me. Lights are going down, slowly, In the woods the animals are moving. In my dreams you're talking to me. Your voice is moving through me. You talk as if you knew me. So pay me what you owe me. Beispiel Nummer zweiundzwanzig. (Example #22.) The sun is shining slowly. The birds are flying so low. Honey you're my one and only So pay me what you owe me. I met this guy - and he looked like might have been a hat check clerk at an ice rink.Which, in fact, he turned out to be. And I said: Oh boy. Right again. Let X=X. You know, it could be you. It's a sky-blue sky. Satellites are out tonight. Let X=X. You know, I could write a book. And this book would be think enough to stun an ox. Cause I can see the future and it's a place - about 70 miles east of here. Where it's lighter. Linger on over here. Got the time? Let X=X. I got this postcard. And it read, it said:Dear Amigo - Dear Partner. Listen, uh - I just want to say thanks. So...thanks.Thanks for all the presents. Thanks for introducing me to the Chief.Thanks for putting on the feedbag. Thanks for going all out.Thanks for showing me your Swiss Army knife. and uh -Thanks for letting me autograph your cast. Hug and kisses. XXXXOOOO. Oh yeah, P.S.I - feel - feel like - I am - in a burning building - and I gotta go. Cause I - I feel - feel like - I am - in a burning building - and I gotta go. She said: It looks. Don't you think it looks a lot like rain? He said: Isn't it. Isn't it just. Isn't it just like a woman? She said: It's hard. It's just hard. It's just kind of hard to say. He said: Isn't it. Isn't it just. Isn't it just like a woman? She said: It goes. That's the way it goes. It goes that way. He said: Isn't it. Isn't it just like a woman? She said: It takes. It takes one. It takes on to. It takes one to know one. He said: Isn't it just like a woman? She said: She said it. She said it to no. She said it to no one. Isn't it. Isn't it just? Isn't it just like a woman? Your eyes. It's a day's work to look in to them. Your eyes. It's a day's work just to look in to them. Sun's coming up. Like a big bald head.Poking up over the grocery store. It's Sharkey's day. It's Sharkey's day today. Sharkey wakes up and Sharkey says: There was this man...And there was this road...And if only I could remember these dreams...I know they're trying to tell me...something.Ooooeee. Strange dreams.(Strange dreams). Oh yeah. And Sharkey says: I turn around, it's fear. I turn around again And it's love. Oh yeah. Strange dreams. And the little girls sing:Oooee Sharkey. And the manager says: Mr. Sharkey? He's not at his desk right now. Could I take a message? And the little girls sing:Oooeee Sharkey. He's Mister Heartbreak. They sing: Oooeee Sharkey. Yeah. He's Mister Heartbreak. And Sharkey says: All of nature talks to me. If I could justfigure out what it was trying to tell me. Listen! Trees are swinging in the breeze. They're talking to me. Insects are rubbing their legs together. They're all talking. They're talking to me. And short animals-They're bucking up on their hind legs. Talking. Talking to me. Hey! Look out! Bugs are crawling up my legs! You know? I'd rather see this on TV. Tones it down. You know? I'd rather see this on TV. Tones it down. You know? I'd rather see this on TV. Tones it down. You know? I'd rather see this on TV. Tones it down. And Sharkey says: I turn around, it's fear. I turn around again, and it's love. Nobody knows me. Nobody knows my name. And Sharkey says: All night long I think of those little planes up there. Flying around. You can't even see them. They're specks! And they're full of tiny people. Going places. And Sharkey says: You know? I bet they could all landon the head of a pin. And the little girls sing: Ooooeee. Sharkey! He's Mister Heartbreak. They sing: Oooeee. That Sharkey! He's a slow dance on the edge of the lake. He's a whole landscape gone to seed. He's gone wild! He's screeching tires on an oil slick at midnight on the road to Boston a long time ago. And Sharkey says: Lights! Camera! Action! TIMBER! At the beginning of the movie, they know they have to find each other.But they ride off in opposite directions. Sharkey says: I turn around, it's fear. I turn around again, and it's love. Nobody knows me. Nobody knows my name. You know? They're growing mechanical trees.They grow to their full height. And then they chop themselves down. Sharkey says: All of life comes from some strange lagoon. It rises up, it bucks up to it's full height from a boggy swamp on a foggy night. It creeps into your house. It's life! It's life! I turn around, it's fear. I turn around again, and it's love. Nobody knows me. Nobody knows my name. Deep in the heart of darkest America. Home of the brave. Ha! Ha! Ha! You've already paid for this. Listen to my heart beat. And the little girls sing: Oooeee Sharkey. He's a slow dance on the edge of the lake. They sing:Ooooeeee. Sharkey. Paging Mr. Sharkey. White courtesy telephone please. And the little girls sing:Ooooeee Sharkey. Yeah. On top of Old Smokey all covered with snow.That's where I wanna, that's where I'm gonna That's where I'm gonna go. Let's see. Uh, it was on an island. And there was this snake. And the snake had legs. And he could walk all around the island. Yes. That's true. A snake with legs. And the man and the woman were on the island too. And they were not very smart. But they were happy as clams. Yes. Let's see. Uh...then one evening the snake was walking aboutin the garden and he was talking to himself and he saw the womanand they started to talk. And they became friends.Very good friends. And the woman liked the snake very much. Because when he talked, he make little noises with his tongue, and his long tongue was lightly licking about his lips. Like there was a fire inside his mouth and the flame would come dancing out of his mouth. And this woman liked this very much.And after that, she was bored with the man. Because no matter what happened,he was always as happy as a clam. What did the snake say? Yes! What was he saying? OK. I will tell you. The snake told her things about the world. He told her about the time there was a big typhoon on the island and all the sharks came out of the water. Yes.They came out of the water and they walked right into your house with their big white teeth. And the woman heard these things. And she was in love. And the man came out and said: We have to go now! And the woman did not want to go. Because she was a hothead. Because she was a woman in love. Anyway, we got into their boat and left the island.But they never stayed anywhere very long. Because the woman was restless. She was a hothead.She was a woman in love. And this is not a story people tell.It is something I know myself. And when I do my job, I am thinking about these things.Because when I do my job, that is what I think about. Voici le langage de l'amour. This is the language of love. Voici le langage de l'amour. This is the language of love. Ah! Comme ci, comme ca. Ah! Niether here nor there. Voici le langage de l'amour. This is the language of love. Voici le langage dans mon coeur. You can dance. You can make me laugh. You've got x-ray eyes. You know how to sing. You're a diplomat. You've got it all. Everybody loves you. You can charm the birds out of the sky. but I, I've got one thing. You always know just what to say. And when to go. But I've got one thing. You can see in the dark. But I've got one thing: I loved you better. Last night I woke up. Saw this angel. He flew in my window. And he said: Girl, pretty proud of yourself, huh? And I looked around and said: Who me? And he said: The higher you fly, the faster you fall. He said:Send it up. Watch it rise. See it fall. Gravity's rainbow. Send it up. Watch it rise. See it fall. Gravity's angel. Why these mountains? Why this sky? This long road. This ugly train. Well he was an ugly guy. With an ugly face.An also ran in the human race. And even God got sad just looking at him. And at his funeralall his friends stood around looking said. But they were really thinking of all the ham and cheese sandwiches in the next room. And everybody used to hang around him. And I know why.They said: There but for the grace of the angels go I. Why these mountains? Why this sky? Send it up. Watch it rise. See it fall. Gravity's rainbow. Send it up. Watch it rise. And fall. Gravity's angel. Well, we were just laying there.And this ghost of your other lover walked in.And stood there. Made of thin air. Full of desire. Look. Look. Look. You forgot to take your shirt. And there's your book. And there's your pen, sitting on the table. Why these mountains? Why this sky? This long road. This empty room. I come very briefly to this place. I watch it move. I watch it shake. Kumowaku yamano. Watashino sakebi. Watashino koewo.Ushano kokoku. Watashiwa sokoni. Watashiwa asobu. Mountain with clouds. A cry. My voice.Home of the brave. I'm here now. And lost. They say the dead will rise again. And here they come now. Strange animals out of the Ice Age. And they stare at you.Dumbfounded. Like big mistakes. And we say: Keep cool.Maybe if we pretend this never happened, they'll all just go away. I am here in this place. Losing. My eyes are closed. Closed. Birds are there. Hearing something. Shouting. My voice. (And yet, we could all be wrong. Wouldn't be the first time.) Mountains with clouds. I am there. Lost. Mountains with clouds. Birds are there. Hearing something. A shout. They say the world is smaller now. Small world. They say that man is taller now. Tall man. They say the stars are closer now. Thank you, lucky stars. You come very briefly to this place. Time is stopped. Home of the brave. And on a very distant star, slimy creatures scan the skies. They've got plates for hands. And telescopes for eyes. And they say: Look! Down there. They say: Watch it move. Watch it shake. Watch it turn. And shake. I am there. Lost. Mountains with clouds. A cry. A shout. My eyes are shut. Shut. And we say: Watch us move. Watch us shake. We're so pretty. We're so pretty. We say: Watch us move now. Watch us shake. We're so pretty. Shake our hands. Shake our heads. We shake our feet. We're so fine. The way we move. The way we shake. We're so nice. Flying Birds. Excellent Birds. Watch them fly. There they go. Falling snow. Excellent snow. Here it comes. Watch it fall. Long words. Excellent words. I can hear them now. This is the picture. I'm sitting by the window. Watching the snow fall. I'm looking out. And I'm moving. Turning in time. Jump up! And I can land on my feet. Look out! This is the picture. This is the picture. This is the picture. This is the picture. Looking out. I'm watching now. But when I see the future,I close my eyes. I can see it now. I see pictures of people rising up. I see pictures of people falling down. I see pictures of people, they're standing on their heads. They're ready! I see pictures of people rising up. I see pictures of people falling down. I see pictures of people, they're standing on their heads. They're ready! They're looking out. Look out! They're watching out. Watch out! They're watching out. Watching watching out. I see pictures of people. I see pictures of people.They're watching. They're watching out. Watch out. I see pictures of people. Watching. Watch out. They're watching. I got your letter. Thanks a lot. I've been getting lots of sun. And lots of rest. It's really hot. Days, I dive by the wreck. Nights, I swim in the blue lagoon. Always used to wonder who I'd bring to a desert island. Days, I remember cities. Nights, I dream about a perfect place. Days, I dive by the wreck. Nights, I swim in the blue lagoon. Full fathom five thy father lies. Of his bones are coral made. Those are pearls that were his eyes. Nothing of him that doth fade. But that suffers a sea change. Into something rich and strange. And I alone am left to tell the tale.Call me Ishmael. I saw a plane today. Flying low over the island.But my mind was somewhere else. And if you ever get this letter. Thinking of you. Love and kisses. Blue Pacific. Signing off. Sun's going down. Like a big bald head.Disappearing behind the boulevard. (Oooeee.) It's Sharkey's night. Yeah. It's Sharkey's night tonight. And the manager says: Sharkey?He's not at his desk right now. (Oh yeah.) Could I take a message? And Sharkey says: Hey, kemosabe! Long time no see. He says: Hey sport. You connect the dots. You pick up the pieces. He says: You know, I can see two tiny pictures of myself And there's one in each of you eyes. And they're doin' everything I do. Every time I light a cigarette, they light up theirs. I take a drink and I look in and they're drinkin' too.It's drivin' me crazy. It's drivin' me nuts. And Sharkey says: Deep in the heart of darkest America.Home of the brave. He says: Listen to my heart beat. Paging Mr. Sharkey. White courtesy telephone please. Standby. You're on the air. Buenos noches Senores y Senoras. Bienvenidos.La primera pregunta es: Que es mas macho,pineapple o knife? Well, let's see. My guess is that a pineapple is more macho than a knife. Si! Correcto! Gracias. And we'll be back in un momento. Well I had a dream and in it I went to a little town And all the girls in town were named Betty. Ah desire! It's cold as ice And then it's hot as fire. Ah desire! First it's red And then it's blue. And everytime I see an icebergIt reminds me of you. Que es mas macho iceberg or volcano? Get the blanket from the bedroom We can go walking once again. Down in the bayou Where our sweet love first began. I'm thinking back to when I was a child -Way back to when I was a tot.When I was an embryo -A tiny speck. Just a dot.When I was a Hershey bar -In my father's back pocket. Hey look! Over there! It's Frank Sinatra Sitting in a chair. And he's blowing Perfect smoke rings Up into the air. And he's singing: Smoke makes a staircase for you To descend. So rare. Ah desire! So random So rare And everytime I see those smoke rings I think you're there. Que es mas macho staircase o smoke rings? Down in the boondocks Where our sweet love first began. Ooo I'm gonna follow you. Out in the swamps and into town.Down under the boardwalk Track you down. What Fassbinder film is it? The one-armed Man walks into a flower shop and says:What flower expresses Days go by And they just keep going by endlessly Pulling you Into the future. Days go by Endlessly Endlessly pulling you Into the future. And the florist says: White Lily. Listen to my hearbeat. Listen to my hearbeat. Listen to my hearbeat. Listen to my hearbeat. Listen to my hearbeat. Listen to my hearbeat. Listen to my hearbeat. I don't know about your dreams But mine are sort of hackneyed. Same thing, night after night. Just...repetitive. And the color is really bad -And the themes are just infantile. And you always get what you want -And that's just not the way life is. First National Bank? I love it! New Hat? Forget it! Moby Dick? Never read it! I came home today And both our cars were gone. And there were all these new pink Flamingoes arranged in star patterns All over the lawn. Then I went into the kitchen And it looked like a tornado had hit. And then I realized I was in the wrong House. Last night I had that dream again. I dreamed I had to take a test In a Dairy Queen on another planet. And then I looked around And there was this woman. And she was making it all up. She was writing it all down. And she was laughing. She was laughing her head off. And I said: Hey! Give me that pen! I turned the corner in Soho today and someone Looked right at me and said: Oh No! Another Laurie Anderson clone! And I said: Look at me! Look at me! Look at me! Paradise Is exactly like Where you are right now Only much much better. I saw this guy on the train And he seemed to gave gotten stuck In one of those abstract trances. And he was going: "Ugh...Ugh...Ugh..." And Fred said:"I think he's in some kind of pain.I think it's a pain cry." And I said: "Pain cry? Then language is a virus." Language! It's a virus! Language! It's a virus! Well I was talking to a friend And I was saying:I wanted you.And I was looking for you. But I couldn't find you. I couldn't find you. And he said: Hey!Are you talking to me? Or are you just practicing For one of those performances of yours? Huh? He said: I had to write that letter to your mother. And I had to tell the judge that it was you. And I had to sell the car and go to Florida. Because that's just my way of saying That I love you. And I Had to call you at the crack of dawn And list the times that I've been wrong. Cause that's just my way of saying That I'm sorry. (It's a job.) Paradise Is exactly like Where you are right now only much much Better. You know? I don't believe there's such a thing as TV. I mean -They just keep showing you The same pictures over and over. And when they talk they just make sounds That more or less synch up With their lips. That's what I think! Well I dreamed there was an islandThat rose up from the sea. And everybody on the island was somebody from TV. And there was a beautiful view But nobody could see. Cause everybody on the island Was saying: Look at me! Look at me! Because they all lived on an island That rose up from the sea. And everybody on the island was somebody from TV. And there was a beautiful view But nobody could see. Cause everybody on the island Was saying: Look at me! Look at me! Look at me! Paradise is exactly like Where you are right now Only much much better. Sun's going down Like a big bald head Disappearing behind the boulevard. It's Sharkey's night. It's Sharkey's night tonight. And the manager says: Sharkey? He's not at his desk right now Could I take a message? Hey Kemosabe!Long time no see Hey Sport -You connect the dots! You pick up the pieces! Well I drove down to Big D.C.And I walked into Room 1003 And there they were: The Big Boys. And they were talking Big B Little O Little M Silent B They were saying:Let's teach those robots how to play hardball. Let's teach those little fellas a little gratitude. What's that big noise from the sky? Sounds like thunder -Nope. Sounds like the Fourth of July -Nope...Wrong again. You know? It's just those angels walking They're clomping around again Wearing those big clumsy shoes We got for them. Well deep In the heart Of darkest America Home of the Brave You've already paid For this Listen to my heart Beat. They say that heaven is like TV A perfect little world that doesn't really need you And everything there is made of light. And the days keep going by Here they come Here they come Here they come. Well it was one of those days larger than life When your friends came to dinnerand they stayed the night And then they cleaned out the refrigerator -They ate everything in sight And then they stayed up in the living room And they cried all night Strange angels - singing just for me Old stories - they're haunting me This is nothing like I thought it would be. Well I was out in my four door with the top down. And I looked up and there they were: Millions of tiny teardrops just sort of hanging there And I didn't know whether to laugh or cry And I said to myself: What next big sky? Strange angels - singing just for me Their spare change falls on top of me Rain falling Falling all over me All over me Strange angels - singing just for me Old Stories - they're haunting me Big changes are coming Here they come Well I stopped in at the Body Shop Said to the guy: I want stereo FM installed in my teeth And take this mole off my back and put it on my cheek. And uh...while I'm here, why don't you give me some of those high-heeled feet? And he said: Listen there's no guarantee Nature's got rules and Nature's got laws but listen look out for the monkey's paw And I said: Whaaat? He said:The gift of life it's a twist of fate It's a roll of the die It's a free lunch A free ride But Nature's got rules and Nature's got laws And if you cross her look out! It's the monkey's paw It's sayin: Haw haw! It's saying Gimme five! It's sayin: Bye bye! I know a man he lost his head He said: The way I feel I'd be better off dead. He said: I got everything I ever wanted Now I can't give it up It's a trap, just my luck! The gift of life it's a leap of faith It's a roll of the die It's a free lunch A free ride The gift of life it's a shot in the dark It's the call of the wild It's the big wheel The big ride But Nature's got rules and Nature's got laws And if you cross her look out! It's the monkey's paw You better Stop! Look around! Listen! You- could- be- an- oca- rina- salesman- going- from- door- to- door. Or- would- you- like- to- swing- on- a- star-and- carry- moon- beams- home? Or- next- time- around- you- could- be- a- small- bug- Or- would- you- like- to- be- a- fish? Coolsville Coolsville So perfect So nice Hey little darlin,I'm comin your way little darlin And I'll be there Just as soon as I'm all straightened out Yeah just as soon as I'm perfect. Some things are just pictures They're scenes before your eyes And don't look now I'm right behind you Coolsville Coolsville So perfect So nice So nice! And down by the ocean under the boardwalk You were so handsome we didn't talk You're my ideal I'm gonna find you I'm goin to Coolsville So perfect So ideal This train This city This train Some things are just pictures They're scenes before your eyes And don't look now I'm right behind you Coolsville She said: Oh Jesus, why are you always in the arms of somebody else? He said: Oh man! I don't need anybody's help I'm gonna get there on my own. This train This city This train This city This train Last night I saw a host of angels And they were all singing different songs And it sounded like a lot of lawnmowers Mowing down my lawn And up above kerjillions of stars spangled all over the sky And they were spirals turning Turning in the deep blue night. And suddenly for no reason The way that angels leave the grund They left in a kind of vortex Travelling at the speed of sound. And just as I started to leave Just as I turned to go I saw a man who'd fallen He was lying on his back in the snow. Some people walk on water Some people walk on broken glass Some just walk round and round in their dreams Some just keep falling down. Some people walk on water Some people walk on broken glass Some just walk round and round in their dreams Some just keep falling down. Some people walk on water Some people walk on broken glass Some just walk round and round in their dreams Some just keep falling down. So when you see a man who's broken Pick him up and carry him And when you see a woman who's broken Put her all into your arms Cause we don't know where we come from We don't know what we are. And you? You're no one And you? You're falling And you? You're travelling Travelling at the speed of light. And you? You're travelling Travelling at the speed of light. I don't know about your brain- but mine is really bossy I come home from a day on the golf course and I find all these messages scribbled on wrinkled up scraps of paper And they say thing like: Why don't you get a real job? Or: You and what army? Or: Get a horse. And then I hear this voice comin from the back of my head Uh huh (Whoa-ho) Yep! It's my brain again And when my brain talks to me, he says: Take me out to the ballgame Take me out to the park Take me to the movies Cause I love to sit in the dark Take me to Tahiti Cause I love to be hot And take me out on the town tonight Cause I know the new hot spot. Babydoll! I love it when you come when I call Babydoll! You don't have to talk I know it all Well I'm sitting around trying to write a letter I'm wracking my brains trying to think of another word for horse I ask my brain for some assistance. And he says: Huh...Let's see...How about cow? That's close. Take me out to the ballgame Take me to your leader And I say: Do you mean George? And he says: I just want to meet him And I say: Come on I mean I don't even know George! Well I was down at the Zig Zag That's the Zig Zag Bar & Grill And everybody was talking at once and it was getting real shrill. And I've been around the block But I don't care I'm on a roll - I'm on a wild ride Cause the moon is full and look out baby -I'm at high tide. I've got a beautiful red dress And you'd look really good standing beside it.. I've got some beautiful new red shoes and they look so fine I've got a hundred and five fever and it's high tide. Well just the other day I won the lottery I mean lots of money I got so excited I ran into my place and i said: HEY! Is anybody home? Nobody answered but I guess that's not too weird Since I live alone. Girls? We can take it And if we can't we're gonna fake it We're gonna save ourselves We're gonna make it And if we don't we're gonna take it Well they say women shouldn't be the president Cause we go crazy from time to time Well push my button baby here I come Yeah look out baby I'm at high tide I've got a little jug of red sangria wine and we could take little sips from time to time I've got some bright red drop dead lips I've got a little red card and mechanical hips I've got a hundred and five fever!!! OK! OK! Hold it! I just want to say something. You know, for every dollar a man makes a woman makes 63 cents. Now, fifty years ago that was 62 cents. So, with that kind of luck, it'll be the year 3,888 before we make a buck. But hey, girls? OK! OK! Hold it! I just want to say something. You know, for every dollar a man makes a woman makes 63 cents. Now, fifty years ago that was 62 cents. So, with that kind of luck, it'll be the year 3,888 before we make a buck. But hey, girls? OK! OK! Hold it! I just want to say something. You know, for every dollar a man makes a woman makes 63 cents. Now, fifty years ago that was 62 cents. So, with that kind of luck, it'll be the year 3,888 before we make a buck. But hey, girls? (Yeah tell it to the judge) Well I could just go on and on and on... But tonight I've got a headache The day the devil comes to getcha you know him by the way he smiles The day the devil comes to getcha He's a rusty truck with only twenty miles He's got bad brakes he's got loose teeth He's a long way from home he's got a smile like a scar He knows the way to your house He's got the keys to your car And when he sells you his sportcoat You say: Funny! That's my size Attention shoppers! Everybody please rise Give me back my innocence Get me a brand new suit Give me back my innocence Oh Lord! Cut me down to size Well you can hide under the porch and you can hide behind the couch But the day the devil comes to getcha He's right on time Here he comes Well I'm sick of hearin bout your problems Yeah girlie your breakin my heart I'm the original party animal Hey! Hey! Babaloo So don't come bangin your Bibles Cause you've been laughin all the way to the bank And don't give me those crocodile tears Cause you've been doing it for years I'm everywhere! Sign right here Mr. Jones And you know he's gonna getcha Cause you're stuck in the middle Everybody please rise Give me back my innocence Get me a new Cadillac Cause when I get on up to heave Lord You can have it all back Hansel and Gretel are alive and well And they're living in Berlin She is a cocktail waitress He had a part in a Fassbinder film And they sit around at night now drinking schnapps and gin And she says: Hansel, you're really bringing me down And he says: Gretel, yu can really be a bitch He says: I've wated my life on our stupid legend When my one and only love was the wicked witch. She said: What is history? And he said: History is an angel being blown backwards into the future He said: History is a pile of debris And the angel wants to go back and fix things To repair the things that have been broken But there is a storm blowing from Paradise And the storm keeps blowing the angel backwards into the future And this storm, this storm is called Progress Sometimes I wish I hadn't gotten that tattoo Sometimes I wish I'd married you One hundred fires One hundred days Sometimes I feel like a stranger Sometimes I tell lies Sometimes I act like a monkey Here come the night And then kerjillions of stars start to shine And icy comets go whizzing by And everything's shaking with a strange delight And here it is: the enormous night And oo my eyes They're lookin all around And oo my feet I'm upside down If I were the president If I were Queen for a day I'd give the ugly people all the money I'd re-write the Book of Love I'd make it funny Wheel of fortune Wheel of fame Two hundred forty million voices Two hundred forty million names And down in the ocean where nobody goes Some fish are fast Some are slow Some swim round the world Some hide below This is the ocean So deep So old. Two hundred forty million voices Two hundred forty million names And down in the ocean where nobody goes Some fish are fast Some are slow Some swim round the world Some hide below This is the ocean So deep So old. Two hundred forty million voices Two hundred forty million names And down in the ocean where nobody goes Some fish are fast Some are slow Some swim round the world Some hide below This is the ocean So deep So old. Two hundred forty million voices Two hundred forty million names And down in the ocean where nobody goes Some fish are fast Some are slow Some swim round the world Some hide below This is the ocean So deep So old. And then kerjillions of stars start to shine And icy comets go whizzing by And everything's shaking with a strange delight And here it is: the enormous night And oo my eyes They're lookin all around And oo my feet They've left the ground So cry me a river that leads to a road That turns into a highway that goes and goes And tangles in your memories So long So old. By the shores of Gitche Gumee By the shining Big- Sea- Water Downward through the evening twilight In the days that are forgotten From the land of sky blue waters And I said: Hello Operator Get me Memphis Tennessee And she said: I know who you're tryin to call darlin And he's not home he's been away But you can hear him on the airwaves He's howlin at the moon Yeah this is your country station And honey this next one's for you. And all along the highways and under the big western sky They're singing Ooo oooooo They're singing Wild Blue. And way out on the prairie and up in the high chaparral They hear a voice it says: Good evening This is Captain Midnight speaking And I've got a song for you Goes somethin like this: Starlight Starbright We're gonna hang some new stars in the heavens tonight. They're gonna circle by day They're gonna fly by night We're goin sky high. Yoo Hooooo hooo. So good night ladies And good night gentlemen Keep those cards and letters coming And please don't call again. Geronimo and little Nancy Marilyn and John F. dancing Uncle took the message and it's written on the wall. These are pictures of the houses Shining in the midnight moonlight While the King sings Love Me Tender. And all along the watchtowers and under the big western sky They're singing Yoo Hooooo They're singing Wild Blue. And way way up there, bursting in air Red rockets, bright red glare From the land of sky blue waters Sent by freedom's sons and daughters. And dark behind it rose the forest Rose the black and gloomy pine trees Rose the firs with ones upon them And bright before it beat the water Beat the clear and sunny water Beat the shing Big- Sea- Water It was August. Summer of '82. You had that rusty old car And me I had nothing better to do You picked me up. We hit the road. Baby me and you. We shot out of town Drivin' fast and hard Leaving our greasy skid marks In people's back yards. We were goin' nowhere. Just drivin' around. We were goin' in circles. And me I was just hanging on. Like in that Annie Dillard book Where she sees that eagle With the skull of a weasel Hanging from its neck And here's how it happened, listen. Eagle bites the weasel. Weasel bites back They fly up to nowhere. Weasel keeps hangin' on. Together forever. We were goin' nowhere. Just drivin' around. You did all the talking and me I didnt' make a sound If I open my mouth now I'll fall to the ground If I open my mouth There's so much I'd say Like I can never be honest. Like I'm in it for the thrill. Like I never loved anyone.And I never will. Eagle bites the weasel.Weasel bites back. They fly up to nowhere.Wesel keeps hanging on.Together forever. I remember that old coat.My grandma used to wear Made of weasels Biting each other's tails A vicious circle And endless ride On the back of an old woman. And me? I'm goin' in circles.I'm circling aruond.And if I open my mouth now I'll fall to the ground. Did she fall or was she pushed? Your shirt on my chair I'll be with you. I'll be there. I'll never leave you Your shirt on my chair. Come here little girl. Get into the car. It's a brand new Cadillac. Bright red. Your words in my ears. I'll be with you. I'll be there. I'll never leave you. Wild beasts shall rest there And owls shall answer one another there And the hairy ones shall dance there And sirens in the temples of pleasure. Your shirt on my chair. I'll be with you. I'll be there. I'll never leave you. Your shirt on my chair. I live on the highway Near the Puppet Motel I log in every day I know the neighborhood well. No about the residents Of the Puppet Motel They're more than a little spooky And most of them are mean. They're runnin' the numbers They're playin' cops and robbers Down in the dungeons Inside their machines. Cause they don't know What's really real now they're havin' fourth dimentional dreams Their minds are out on bail now And real is only what it seems. And all the puppets in this digital jail They're runnin' around in a frenzy In search of the Holy Grail. They're havin' virtual sex. They're eatin' virtual food. No wonder these puppets Are always in a lousy mood. So if you think we live in a modern world Where everything is clean and swell Take a walk on the B side of town Down by the Puppet Motel Take a whiff. Burning Plastic. I drink a cup of coffee I try to revive My mind's a blank I'm barely alive My nerves are shot I feel like hell Guess it's time to check in At the Puppet Motel. Boot up. Good afternoon. Pause. Oooo. I really llike the way you talk. Pardon me. Shut down. Daddy Daddy, it was just like you said Now that the living outnumber the dead. Where I come from it's a long thin thread Across an ocean. Down a river of red. Now that the living outnumber the dead. Speak my language. Hello. Hello. Here come the quick. There go the dead. Here they come. Bright red. Speak my language. I remember where I came from There were burning buildings and a fiery red sea I remember all my lovers I remember how they held me. World without end remember me. East. The edge of the world. West. Those who came before me. When my father died we put him in the ground. When my father died it was like a whole library Had burned down. World without end remember me. You're out on the ocean And you get pulled down Freefall to the bottom Like when you're drowning Or falling asleep You get turned around And when you think you're Swimming to the surface You're swimming straight down. Down to the bottom. All the way to the bottom. Secret codes and cryptograms I'm lost in your words I'm swimming. We're going down to the bottom All the way to the bottom Rapture of the deep. I got your letter. I couldn't read it. It was a cryptogram. Did it say take me with you Or take me as I am? We're going down to the bottom All the way to the bottom. We get turned around. There is another world spinning inside of this one. I remember where I came from There were tropical breezes And a wide open sea I remember my childhood I remember being free. There is another world Inside of this one. Rapture of the deep. We're going down to the bottom There is another world Spinning inside of this one. Rain keeps pouring down Houses are cracking. People drown. Cars are rusting here. A church floats by Washed in the blood of the lamb. And all the superhighways have disappeared One by one. And all the towns and cities and signs Are underwater now. They're gone. We're going down my the muddy river We're walking down by the muddy river Somebody tell me please:What happened here? Mud is everywhere. Fish are swimming in the fields. Everybody's running arund, they're yelling Is this the end of the known world? Men and women in their boats Try to save what they've lost. They're yelling, It's all gone now. We're never gonna find it again. But when the muddy river starts to rise It covers us all. And when I look into your eyes Two tiny clocks two crystal balls We begin again. We try We begin again. Down by We're going down by down by the muddy river.We begin again down by the muddy river We're walking down by down by the muddy river. We're going down by down by the muddy river. I'm lying in the shade Of my family tree I'm a branch that broke off What will become of me? Dear Mom, I'm lying here In this queen sized bed. I'm thinking back To all the stories you read to me But I can't remember now. What happened then? Dear Mom, how does it end? The owl and the pussycat went to sea In a beautiful pea green boat. They took some honey and lots of money Wrapped in a five pound not. The owl looked up to the stars above And sang to a small guitar O lovely pussy! Pussy my love! What a wonderful pussy you are. But what shall we do for a ring? Hey! Hey! They sailed away for a year and a day To the land where the bong tree grows And there in a wook a piggy wig stood A ring at the end of his nose And hand in hand at the edge of the sand They danced by the light of the By the light of the, by the light of the moon. There is a hot wind blowing It moves across the ocean and into every port. A plague. A black plague. There's danger everywhere And you've been sailing. And you're alone on an island now tuning in. Did you think this was the way Your world would end? Hombres. Sailors. Comrades. There is no pure land now No safe place And we stand here by the pier Watching you drown. Love among the Sailors. And if this is the work of an angry god I want to look into his angry face. Come with us to the mountains. Hombres. Sailors. Comrades. It was one of those black cat nights The moon had gone out and the air was thin It was the kind of night that the cat would drag in. I'll never forget it, we had a fight. Then you turned around turned on the light. You left our bed. Then you moved downstairs to live with her instead. Yeah just one floor and a shout away,I guess I should have moved but I decided to stay. Did I drink some poison that I don't remember now? And every night I open all the windows I let a cold dark wind blow through. I play loud organ music and I talk to myself and dream of you. Uh oh! I hear voices coming up through the pipes through all the springs in my bed and up through the lights The volume goes up then it drops back down I can hear the two of you playing records moving furniture and fooling around. Did I drink some poison that I don't remember now? Is there blood on my hands No, my hands are clean. Did I do something in another lifetime that was really really mean? Yeah, I'm hearing voices. Am I losing my mind? Think I'm going crazy, I gotta get out. I run into the street and I start to shout Get out of my way! Get out! Get out! Did I drink some poison that I don't remember now? Is there blood on my hands? Did I do something in another lifetime that was really really mean? A small bullet, a piece of glass And your heart just grows around it. In our sleep as we speak Listen to the drums beat As we speak. In our sleep as we speak Listen to the drums beat In our sleep. In our sleep as we speak Listen to the drums beat As we speak. As we speak in our sleep Listen to the drums beat in our sleep. In our sleep as we speak Listen to the drums beat As we speak. In our sleep as we speak Listen to the drums beat In our sleep. In our sleep where we meet. And oh it's so beautiful It's like the fourth of July It's like a Christmas tree It's like fireflies on a summer night. And I wish I could descibe this to you a little better. But I can't talk very well right now cause I've got this damned gas mask on. So I'm just going to stick this microphone out the window and see if we can hear a little better. Hello California? What's the weather like out there now? And I only have one question:Did you every really love me? Only when we danced.And it was so beautiful. It was like the fourth of July. It was like fireflies on a summer night. Last night I dreamed I died and that my life had been rearranged into some kind of theme park. And all my friends were walking up and down the boardwalk. And my dead Grandmother was selling cotton candy out of a little shack. And there was this big ferris wheel about a half mile out in the ocean, half in and half out of the water. And all my old boyfriends were on it. With their new girlfriends. And the boys were waving and shouting and the girls were saying Eeek. Then they disappeared under the surface of the water and when they came up again they were laughing and gasping for breath. In this dream I'm on a tightrope and I'm tipping back and forth trying to keep my balance. And below me are all my relatives and if I fall I'll crush them. This long thin line. This song line. This shout. The only thing that binds me to the turning world below and to all the people and noise and sounds and shouts. This tightrope made of sound. This long thin line made of my own blood. Remember me is all I ask And if remembered be a task forget me. Remember me is all I ask. This long thin line. This long thin line. This long thin line. This tightrope. Remember me is all I ask And if remembered be a task forget me. This long thin line. This tightrope made of sound. You know that little clock, the one on your VCR the one that's always blinking twelve noon because you never figured out how to get in there and change it? So it's always the same time just the way it came from the factory. Good morning. Good night. Same time tomorrow. We're in record. So here are the questions: Is time long or is it wide? And the answers? Sometimes the answers just come in the mail. And one day you get that letter you've been waiting for forever. And everything it says is true. And then in the last line it says: Burn this. We're in record. And what I really want to know is: Are things getting better or are they getting worse? Can we start all over again? Stop. Pause. We're in record. Good morning. Good night. Now I in you without a body move. And in our hearts we fly. Standby. Good morning. Good night. You've probably heard that Microsoft has recently taken over the Catholic Church. The Vatican was pleased, saying, "Well, we've been using icons for over 2000 years, and Microsoft has only been using them for 3, so we figure we'll be able to help them out a bit. I like the image of language as some kind of mind bending Polish vodka.