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Tour dates

The official Tour Dates page. Use it. This one is outdated.

April 29 (world premiere),30, May 1

Dallas, Texas (TITAS, producer) McFarlin Auditorium, SMU Campus

May 12,13,14,15,16,19,20,21,22,23

Philadelphia, PA Prince Music Theater, American Music Theater Festival

June 3, 4, 1999

Spoleto Festival, Charleston, South Carolina

September 28 : Oct. 3, 1999

Perf dates TBA

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (Power Center, presented by the University Musical Society)

Oct 5,7,9,10,12,14,16

Brooklyn Academy of Music, New York City (Featured show for opening of the BAM Next Wave Festival) Opera House

October 21,22,23x2

UCLA Center for the Performing Arts, Los Angeles, California

October 26,27,28,29,30

Cal Performances, San Francisco, California (Zellerbach Auditorium)

November 10,11,12

Palermo, Italy (Palermo Music Festival)

November 17,18,19,20

Paris, Festival d'Automne, Bobigny Theater

November 22, 23

Zug, Switzerland (Theater Casino Zug)

Naples November 25, 26

Naples, Italy (Details Soon)

Turin November 29, 30

Turin, Italy (Details Soon)

Other dates to be announced, both in December, 1999 and Spring 2000. Look out, London, Hannover, and Madrid.
Back to HomePage of the Brave: Laurie Anderson by JimDavies (jim@jimdavies.org) Last modified: Fri Sep 17 16:56:40 EDT 1999