John Giorno

someone wrote looking for available john giorno. "cash cows" (a best of comp) is the only readily available on cd. however, look for these titles used on vinyl or cassette: smack my crack you're a hook (dial-a-poets) you're the guy i want to spend my money with diamond hidden the mouth of a corpse who you starin' at (album shared with glenn branca)

I'm not terribly well-versed in the realm of John Giorno (I've seen him perform once). He's got a video called (I believe) "It's Clean, it Just Looks Dirty" and is featured on a compilation album (with William Burroughs and the Butthole Surfers among others) called "Smack my Crack". I know there are other albums, and more information about him is pushing itself into my psyche, but since none of is cold hard fact, I'll keep quiet. The other cool thing (and the only reason I posted) is that I just discovered he is the "star" of Andy Warhol's first film "Sleep". I was looking at an Andy Warhol book and said, "Hey, isn't that...?" Sure 'nuff it was. Is this common knowledge and I'm just slow? (for anyone in the NYC area, an Andy Warhol film which will play all 26 of 'em is starting tonight) -Heather Wagner

John Giorno is just concluding an acting part in a pair of Samuel Beckett plays, Cascando and Eh Joe, and La MaMa theatre in NY. They are radio and TV plays, and the installation is quite elaborate. Mr. Giorno is actually in another room, has no lines, and his faced is projected onto a video screen. There are other actors on stage. (One of them is my friend's brother.) They do Cascando twice, actually, once right after the other. Two different interpretations. Sounds cool. John Roth,

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