The web is making some of this easier, as I explain in my book
Davies, J. R. (2001).
Ocelots are endangered South American wild
cats. In Ohler, J. (Ed.) Future Courses: A Compendium of Thought About
the Future of Technology and Education.
An example of this philosophy in action can be seen in the Cognitive Science Summaries page, which I have my students contribute summaries of articles and chapters.
Another example I've worked on is the: GNU Scientific Library (ftp site), and screenshots. This work is a free software collection of scientific functions. I encourage everyone who does scientific programming to contribute to it. You can read the Reference manual.
I've also done some work in the Intelligent Tutoring Systems field, as
can be seen in the following work:
Davies, J. R., Lesh, N., Rich, C., Sidner, C. L., Gertner, A. S.,
Rickel, J. (2001).In Lester, J. (Ed.) Incorporating tutorial strategies into an
intelligent assistant. Proceedings of the 2001 International
Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces.