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Davies, J. (2018). Religion does not determine your morality. The Conversation. Published online on July 24 at https://theconversation.com/religion-does-not-determine-your-morality-97895

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Articles in the Conversation are pitched, accepted by academics, and edited by academics, making them mildly peer-reviewed. The articles are licensed under creative commons and can be published by other sources. This is known as "pickup." Following are the pickups for this article.

Translated into Indonesian: https://theconversation.com/agama-tidak-menentukan-moralitas-anda-100786


  1. Qrius July 26, 2018: https://qrius.com/religious-people-tend-to-think-their-morality-stems-from-religion-are-they-right/
  2. National Post July 24, 2018: https://nationalpost.com/pmn/news-pmn/religion-does-not-determine-your-morality
  3. BC Humanist July 27, 2018: https://www.bchumanist.ca/religion_does_not_determine_your_morality
  4. Alternet July 31, 2018: https://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/religion-does-not-determine-persons-morality

JimDavies ( jim@jimdavies.org )