Next: System: Galatea
Up: Language and Processing
Previous: Privits: Primitive Visual Transformations
Figure 1:
The things outside the shaded box are given to Galatea: a
complete source problem an incomplete target problem, and the analogy
between them. Galatea completes the analogical transfer and stores the
new simage sequence for the target problem.
Figure 2:
The fortress/tumor problem representation
The bottom series of simages in Figure 2 shows a
representation of the solved fortress problem analog. The bottom left simage
is the initial state of the problem. The top series of simages shows
the target analog, the tumor problem. The darkly shaded box shows the
output of the system. The first simage is all that is input of the
tumor problem.
To make an analogical transfer, the source and target analogs must
have an analogy between them. The analogy between the first tumor
problem simage and the first fortress problem simage specifies maps
between the components. To avoid over-complication of the figure, only
one of these maps is shown, that between the left-road1 and left-body1.
Privits are transferred from the bottom series to the top:
decompose and move.
Following is the control structure for our visual analogical
transfer theory. We will describe the transfer of the first
privit as a running example. The process in the abstract can be seen
in Figure 1.
- Identify the first simages of the target and analog problems.
- Identify the privits and associated arguments in the
current simage of the source analog. This step finds out how the source
problem gets from the current simage to the next simage. In our
example, the privit is decompose, with ``four'' as the number-of-resultants argument (not shown).
- Identify the objects of the privits.
The object of the privit is what object the privit acts on. For the
decompose privit is the soldier-path1 (the thick arrow in
the bottom left simage.)
- Identify the corresponding objects in the target
analog. The ray1 (the thick arrow in the top left simage) is
the corresponding component of the source analog's soldier-path1, as specified by the analogical map between the simages
(not shown). A single object can be mapped to any number of other
objects. If the object in question is mapped to more than one other
object in the target, then the privit is applied to all of them in the
next step. If the privit arguments are components of the source
simage, then their analogs are found as well. Else the arguments are
transferred literally.
- Apply the privit with the arguments to the target analog
component. A new simage is generated for the target problem (top
middle) to record the effects of the privit. The decompose
privit is applied to the ray1, with the argument ``four.'' The
result can be seen in the top middle simage in Figure
2. The new rays are created for this simage.
- Map the original objects to the new objects in the
target problem. A transform-connection and mapping are created
between the target problem simage and the new simage (not shown). Maps
are created between the corresponding objects. In this example it
would mean a map between ray1 in the first top simage and the
four rays in the second top simage. The privit is associated with the
map, as shown in the Figure, so the target problem itself can be used
as a possible source analog in the future.
- Map the new objects of the target problem to the
corresponding objects in the source problem. In this case the rays
of the second target simage are mapped to soldier paths in the second
source simage. This step is necessary for the later iterations
(i.e. going on to another transformation and simage). Otherwise the
system would have no way of knowing which parts of the target simage
the later privits would operate on.
- Check to see if goal conditions are satisfied. If they
are, exit, and the problem is solved. If not, and there are
further simages in the source series, set the current simage equal
to the next simage and go to step 1. If there are no further
simages, then exit and fail.
Next: System: Galatea
Up: Language and Processing
Previous: Privits: Primitive Visual Transformations
Jim Davies