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Assignment: Submitting the the Cognitive Science Summaries Website
Create a new summary for the
Cognitive Science Summaries website.
Grading Criteria
100 points total.
Paper selection: Ideally the paper is a peer-reviewed journal article
or conference proceedings entry. If the class you're doing this for is
a cognitive science or psychology class, then journals like Cognitive Science,
Memory and Cognition, or Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning,
Memory, and Cognition are good choices. If your class is an AI class,
then conferences like the International Joint Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (IJCAI, pronounced "ij'-kai") or the American Association
for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) conference are good choices. So are
journals like the online
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research
(JAIR), Computational Intelligence, or Artificial Intelligence. If you
do a journal article, you will get five bonus points on top of the
five you get depending on the quality of the article chosen. (5
Formatting: Since this needs to be put on a website by hand,
you need to minimize the work done by the editor of the summaries
page. Thus you will be penalized for not doing the formatting
correctly. Read several summaries-- some are good, others worse. An
excellent summary is
Barsalou 1999. Model it. Make sure the bibtex entry is there,
there are things listed to cite the paper for, page numbers are given
when points are made, the title of the page is correct, there is full
citation, your authorship is correct, etc. You're submitting an html
document. Edit this document with a text editor. Please do not use a
word processor's html output. The html file should be fairly
readable. Brush up on HTML if you don't know it. Try not to use
images. If you need to graphically describe something, try Do ASCII
art instead if possible. Add a hyperlink to the original paper if it's
online. There are templates you can use linked from the main Summaries
page. See common mistakes at the end of this document. (10 points)
Content: The summary should give the reader a clear idea of the
main points of the paper, that is, what points the paper is trying to
establish, and the evidence supporting them. Also in the summary
should be the new ideas introduced in the paper. The summary should be
comprehensible to the reader without their having to read the source
paper. It's worth a lot of points, but another reason to do well at
this is that it will be on the web with your name on it. Forever.(85 points)
Turning it in: Email a copy of it to jim@jimdavies.org with
"Cognitive Science Summaries Submission" in the subject line. Also
turn in a printed copy in class, attached to a copy of the paper
Common Mistakes Made By Students
- Make sure the whole webpage is included in the html, including
the top, which says "[Cogsci Summaries Home | Up..." etc., and the
bottom, which has the "back to the cogsci summaries homepage" and
- Pay attention to the formatting of the citation at the
top. It's in psychology APA style. See http://www.apastyle.org/.
Specifially, make sure journal and book titles are italisized, and
authors are listed like Davies, J., rather than Jim Davies.
- In the bibtex section, there is @Article{,
You're supposed to put some identifier before the comma. The
convention for the cogsci summaries page is to but each author
name with intercap followed by publication date, like
If there are more than six authors, do it like this:
- Don't use the @Article bibtex if it's not a journal
article. There are a ton of templates, wiht @Book or
@InProceedings. Make sure you use the right one. They're all linked
from the template webpage.
- Authors in the Bibtex entry should be in the form of Lastname,
Firstname, Initial, such as Davies, Jim R.
Each author should be separated with an "and," like:
Davies, Jim R. and Nersessian, Nancy J.
This reduces ambiguity.
- The "Cite this paper for" section is for theories and facts
that the paper shows evidence for. So don't put "machine learning,"
because it's not a theory or fact. Try to put sentences, such as
"Case based reasoning can be successfully applied to skin
diagnosis." Put page numbers after each thing to cite for.
- When possible, the page numbers should be the published page
numbers, not the page number of your printout of it. Sometimes when
you print it, the pagination is off. In this case, go ahead and use
the printout pages, but note this in the "Summary Author's notes"
with something like "Page numbers above refer to the pages from the
printed version, not the published version."
- When you turn it in in hardcopy, don't turn in a printout of
the HTML code, print out a version from the browser of how it will
look on the web.
- Some people are nervous about putting something on the web with
their name on it. If you want, in the Summary author notes section
you can put a disclaimer that it was done as an assignment when you
were an undergrad or whatever. If at any time in the future you
would like to make it better, feel free.
- Make sure you change the title of the html page! It should
follow the convention of the rest of the summaries, e.g. "Davies,
Goel, Nersessian 2005: A Cognitive Model of Visual Analogy"
- In the "Author of the Summary" section, the year there is the
year the summary was written.
- If the page numbers are different in the version you are using
from the published one (like if you're using a preprint), please
note that in the summary author's notes.
- Do not abbreviate Journal or conference names, unless it's
after the full name. This is okay: 14th International Joint
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-95)
- Do not plagarize! If you are directly copying more than three words, put
it in quotes so people know it's from the paper and not your
words. I'm serious with this.
- Title the file with a .html extension, not .htm
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