@InBook{, ALTauthor = {E. J. Gibson}, ALTeditor = {Laberge, Samuels}, title = {Basic processes in reading: Perception and comprehension}, chapter = {How perception really develops: A view from outside the network}, publisher = {Erlbaum}, year = {1977}, OPTpages = {155-173}, }
Cognitive psychologists like to break up the world into little bits, and then have the mind put them all back together again. The structure is there to begin with; there's no need for processors to make sense of it.
"There is structure in the array, relational information that does not have to be pieced together because, like truth, it is already there." [p474]
Abstractions are made by people from the relevant information. [p475] She looks for mechanisms that deal with information and relations, not pieces that must be integrated. [p476]