press kit
Jim Davies: News Archive
(Since October 2015, newest first)
- February 6, 2025: Forgot to announce this episode of the Minding the Brain podcast. Jim Davies interviews Dr. Doug Oman about the science of mantra meditation. Released July 1, 2024.
Here's the link to the audio version:
Here's the link to the video version on YouTube:
- January 31, 2025: Forgot to announce the episode of the Minding the Brain podcast from September!
Kim interviews Jodi Pawluski about mommy brain and the mental load of motherhood.
- January 28, 2025: A new episode of the Minding the Brain podcast is
out. This month's episode is a question and answer episode where Kim and Jim respond to questions from our listeners!
This is a bonus episode, where they talk about dopamine addiction, free will, and cannabis's relation to mental health.
- January 26, 2025: Jim Davies talks about the ethics of artificial intelligence, human bias, and threats of superintelligent AI in this article and podcast episode of AI Purity. Released August 2, 2024.
- January 26, 2025: A new episode of Eve Pixiedrowner
and the Micean Council is out. This month's episode is
entitled Episode 77: Gombree: Gombree Meets Jody Curator.
- January 23, 2025: False memories can be attenuated by telling people that they are false, Jim Davies reports in Nautilus Magazine. Published September 2, 2024.
- January 22, 2025: Jim Davies is interviewed in the Toronto Star about how people actually look like their dogs.
- January 14, 2025: Jim Davies is interviewed in the Ottawa Citizen about why people like to be scared and watch horror movies. Published October 27, 2024.
- January 10, 2025: Jim Davies writes in Nautilus about the work of Matthew Coleman, who finds that people care less about the pain people will feel in the future.
- January 6, 2025: Why do some people look like their dogs? See the article by Jim Davies in Nautilus magazine.
- January 6, 2025: A new episode of the Minding the Brain podcast is
out. In this month's episode Jim Davies interviews Dr. Rebecca Merkley about whether or not babies can understand math.
- December 6, 2024: Timothy Gothard, supervised by Jim Davies, has
published a journal article in Scientific Reports. This
open-access article describes the first moral decision-making model
created in simulated spiking neurons. In particular, it models
different moral judgments on trolley problems.
Gothard, T. &
Davies, J. (2024). Myopic Emotion-Reason Dilemma Judgment (MERDJ): A
spiking neuron model of moral judgment in trolley
dilemmas. Scientific Reports. 14,
21733. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-024-68024-3
- December 1, 2024: A new episode of the Minding the Brain
podcast is out. This month's episode has Jim Davies
interviewing Kim Hellemans about the Neuroscience of
Emotion. https://mindingthebrainpodcast.com/2024/12/01/the-neuroscience-of-emotion-79/
- November 5, 2024: A new episode of the Minding the Brain
podcast is out. This month's episode features Jim Davies
interviewing the legendary psychologist Daniel Schacter about
how we should think about memory errors. Listen or watch a
at https://mindingthebrainpodcast.com/2024/11/01/memory-errors-with-daniel-schacter-78/
- September 1, 2024: A new episode of Eve Pixiedrowner
and the Micean Council is out. This month's episode is
entitled Gretchen: An Impromptu Ally.
- August 21, 2024: A new episode of the Minding the Brain podcast is
out. This month's episode is about how cultures learn things
that the people in them do not.
- April 23, 2024: Jim Davies is interviewed by Grace Oborne on Midweek, from the
Carleton University School of Journalism about the future impact of
deepfake technology on journalism. Listen at time 44:40 to 47:40.
- April 23, 2024: Jim Davies published a preprint on PsyArXiv
about the cognitive biases implicated in alien abduction
Davies, J. (2024). Cognitive biases implicated in alien abduction beliefs. PsyArXiv, submitted March 5.
- April 23, 2024: Jim Davies was at the McMichael Canadian Art
Collection, talking about the psychology of art in the context of
three paintings, as a part of a telethon for TVO. Aired April 2,
2024. On the video link below it runs from time 48:03 to 57:00.
- April 23, 2024: A new episode of Eve Pixiedrowner
and the Micean Council is out. This month's episode is
entitled Episode 75: Eve: Waking the Monster.
- April 2, 2024: A new episode of the Minding the Brain podcast is
out. In this month's episode Jim Davies interviews Dr. Gordon
Pennycook on the psychology of fake news. Are people actually
being irrational when they believe it? This episode has both
audio and video versions!
- March 25, 2024: Jim Davies has given many talks on the
potential dangers the existence of Large Language Models (LLMs),
like ChatGPT,
have on teaching students how to think. One of these talks was
recorded. You can watch Teaching Thinking in the Age of Large
Language Models here. This talk was given on March 7, 2024.
- March 1, 2024: A new episode of the Minding the Brain podcast is
out. This month's episode is about Nutritional Neuroscience.
- Februrary 29, 2024: Jim Davies appears on CKCU FM 93.1 in Ottawa, talking
about the impact artificial intelligence on society, and whether
AIs could ever be conscious, in an interview with Bev
Forcier. Aired May, 2023. 10 minutes.
- February 6, 2024: Jim Davies has a 45 second video about the
kinds of things that trigger habits. Even better, you can remember them
with the abbreviation HABIT. Watch the video
- February 2, 2024. Why do people like puzzle games so much? Jim
Davies is interviewed on CBC Ottawa Morning about Wordle and other
puzzles that people love, and the psychology behind it. Seven
minutes and 30 seconds. Aired January 21, 2024.
- February 1, 2024: A new episode of the Minding the Brain podcast is
out. This month's episode is about Aloneliness and the Value
of Solitude. Kim Hellemans interviews Dr. Robert Coplan.
- January 21, 2024: Does thinking about God make Christians
more likely to take risks? Jim Davies writes about the latest
research in Nautilus Magazine.
Republished February 29, 2024 in Big Think as "Thnking
about God may encourage risk taking."
- January 17, 2024: Jim Davies is interviewed about the impact of
generative Artificial Intelligence on higher education in this news
article in University Affairs. Bryan, E. (2023). Western appoints
first-ever chief AI officer. University Affairs. December 19, 2023
Online news article retrieved January 17, 2024 from https://www.universityaffairs.ca/news/news-article/western-appoints-first-ever-chief-ai-officer/
- January 11, 2024: Jim Davies appears in a video by Carleton
University about how to keep your New Year's resolutions. Very
short! https://twitter.com/Carleton_U/status/1742959531406118967
Dr. Davies also appeared on Zoomer radio podcast, talking about the
same thing (12:50 to the end at 19:27; aired January 7, 2024):
CBC Radio Calgary Eyeopener with Loren McGiniss on December 29,
CBC Radio Weekend's Fresh Air (aired Dec 30,
2023) https://soundcloud.com/scjimmyd/cbc-fresh-air-resolutions-with-jim-davies?si=3c7be93e4ca549288636d4d37a6a7b33&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
A Little More Conversation with Ben O'Hara-Byrne (podcast episode
Why we fail to fulfill our New Year's resolutions, time 31:50
to 46:58, released January 3)
- January 9, 2024: A new episode of the Minding the Brain podcast is
out. This month's episode features Darren McKee about his new
book and the possible threat of advanced artificial
intelligence to human civilization.
- January 8, 2024: Jim Davies is interviewed on 580AM CFRA
about Tips for Making Your New Year's Resolutions Stick and
Mistakes to Avoid. Released January 2. Six and a half minutes.
- January 8, 2024: A new episode of Eve Pixiedrowner
and the Micean Council is out. This month's episode is
entitled Gretchen: Time to Wake a Monster with a Moth.
- December 20, 2023: New paper by Nico V. Turcas, Jim Davies,
and Robert L. West. Turcas, N. V., Davies, J., & West,
R. L. (2023). Modelling the Effects of ACT-R Working Memory Demands on
Accuracy Rates of Relational Reasoning
Problems. Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference
on Cognitive Modeling (ICCM). 1--7.
- December 20, 2023: A new episode of Eve Pixiedrowner
and the Micean Council is out. This month's episode is
entitled Dichall: Recruiting the Monster.
- December 15, 2023: Talking politics in a polarized society
can get heated fast. Chatbots could help us keep our cool. Check
out the new Jim
Davies article
in Nautilus.
- December 14, 2023: Jim Davies is featured on the CBC about
why people fail at their New Year's resolutions. (Published
early 2023)
- December 1, 2023: The new episode of the Minding the Brain podcast is
out. This month's episode is about eating disorders.
- November 28, 2023: Jim Davies was interviewed about AI and
AI: Artificial Intelligence and Academic Integrity in this
Abyssinia Abebe article in The Charlaton. Published July
7, 2023.
- November 23, 2023: Jim Davies is interviewed by Waqar Ahsan
on his Philocity video show about happiness and sadness. Episode
7. Aired sometime in June, 2023, I think. 28 Minutes.
- November 17, 2023: When you are asked to think of a zoo
animal, how does your mind choose what pops into your
consciousness? Jim Davies reports in Nautilus magazine
about a study suggesting that it is done by weighting certain
features in a multi-dimensional feature space. In this case,
people tend to call to mind striking, dangerous, large animals.
- November 17, 2023: Jim Davies on why we like to be scared on
580 CFRA radio with Patricia Boal. Aired October 26,
2023. Runtime 8 minutes.
- November 17, 2023: Jim Davies appears on 610 AM Radio NL
with Jeff and Bill about why we like to be scared. Aired October
31, 2023. These interviewers had a lot of great ideas! 8 minutes.
- November 17, 2023: A new episode, number 71, of Eve Pixiedrowner
and the Micean Council is out. This month's episode is
entitled Gretchen: The Hiding Place of Magical Glasses.
- November 14, 2023: Yet another TV appearance about why we enjoy
being scared! This time on CTV, Aired November 1.
- November 1, 2023: Ever wonder what goes into composing a
movie soundtrack that makes you feel scared, or hopeful, or
tender? Jim Davies talks to Hollywood film composer Joe Krae Ever wonder what goes into composing a
movie soundtrack that makes you feel scared, or hopeful, or
tender? Jim Davies talks to Hollywood film composer Joe Kraemer
(Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation, Jack Reacher)
about the psychology of film sountracks on November's Minding
the Brain episode!
- October 31, 2023: Jim Davies appears on CBC television
talking about why we like to be scared and watch horror
movies. Jim's interview is from 18:10 to 24:38.
- October 26, 2023: Why do we like scary movies? Jim Davies on
CP24 news television show talking about the psychology of liking
horror. Length: 5 minutes.
- October 24, 2023: A new episode of the Minding the Brain podcast is
out. This month's episode features Carleton University
Psychology Professor Johanna Peetz, who talks about the
science of spending (and not spending!) money.
- October 13, 2023: On the CinemaPsych podcast, Jim Davies and
Hollywood film score composer Joe Kraemer (Mission: Impossible --
Rogue Nation; Jack Reacher) are interviewed about the psychology behind the
brilliant music of the Star Wars films. Davies and Kraemer previously
collaborated on a chapter on Star Wars music in the book Star
Wars Psychology: The Dark Side of the Mind. This podcast aired
August 28, 2023. Listening time 1 hour and 15 minutes.
- Septermber 29, 2023: Jim Davies publishes in Nautilus
magazine about a new psychology study showing that people can
detect changes better in images they are familiar with--a departure
from the traditional view that we can only see clearly a tiny part
of our visual
field. https://nautil.us/were-not-so-blind-to-detail-after-all-366763/
(Published August 22, 2023)
- September 20, 2023: Kristy Cameron interviews Jim Davies on
CFRA radio about an interesting social survey in Statistics Canada
which found 2 in 3 Canadians are satisfied with how much leisure
time they have. The overall satisfaction definitely depends on age
demographics. Older Canadians seem to be more satisfied. What is
the science behind leisure time? Duration: 14:34
- September 14, 2023: The September episode of the Minding the Brain podcast is
out. In this month's episode Kim interviews Jim about
distinguishing fantasy from reality.
- August 8, 2023: The August episode of the Minding the Brain podcast is
out. In this month's episode Kim interviews Jim about animal
- July 13, 2023: Bev Forcier interviews Jim Davies about artificial intelligence, dangers of AI, and consciousness on CKCU FM in Ottawa. Aired July 10, 2023. Interview spans from time 48:30 to 58:26. Click here and then click "LISTEN NOW."
- May 12, 2022: Undergraduate student Ludivine Blais took the
lead on a project that implemented a virtual reality environment
representing a memory palace of a walkthrough of the brain with
mnemonics to help students remember brain areas and
functions. This resulted in a paper published in a peer-reviewed
conference. Way to go, Ludivine!
Blais, L., Qorbani, H.S., Arya, A., & Davies, J. (2022). A memory palace for brain anatomy and function represented in virtual reality. Proceedings of the Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age conference (CELDA-22). In D. G. Sampson, D. Ifenthaler and P. Isaias (Eds). IADIS Press. 331--334.
- May 11, 2023: Jim Davies's short vampire story The
Drink was published in the book
Ghosts & Other Chthonic
Macabres from
Broken Keys
Publishing. This book won the 2023 New Book of the Year award from
Faces Magazine. https://facesmag.ca/awards/
- May 8, 2023: Jim Davies and his graduate student Sean Riley
published a paper in Brain and Cognition exploring the
nature of vividness in mental imagery. See
Riley, S.N. & Davies, J. (2023). Vividness as the similarity between generated imagery and an internal model. Brain and Cognition, 169, 105988, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bandc.2023.105988
- May 1, 2023: A new episode of the Minding the Brain podcast is
out. This month's episode is about the major theories of
- April 25, 2023: A September 2019 article in Nautilus I forgot to
put here! Most of the Mind Can't Tell Fact from Fiction.
- April 24, 2023: The April episode of Minding the Brain
podcast went live on April 1. Jim interviews Kim about the
psychology and neuroscience of left handed people (and turtles!)
- March 12, 2023: The March episode of Minding the Brain
podcast is live. Enjoy casual Q and A with 20 More Questions with
Kim and Jim. Do brain training apps work? Is reading fiction a waste
of time? What's the best part of your brain to lose? Find
- March 10, 2023: The Michael Shermer Podcast interviews
Jim Davies about ethics, happiness, and Davies's book Being
the Person Your Dog Thinks You Are. Episode released March
8, 2023. 1 hour and 46 minutes long.
- February 17, 2023: Jim Davies talks about the neurochemistry
of love in this 45-second video produced by Carleton University.
- February 13, 2023: Artificial intelligence image generators have
become a rage. How do they think like artists, and how do they think
differently? Will they put artists' careers in danger? Are they
ultimately a force for good in this world? Jim Davies explores these
issues from a cognitive science perspective in this article in
Nautilus magazine entitled "How AI Can Prompt Your Inner Artist."
February 3, 2023: How does the mind understand and keep track of
time? And what does the FedEx logo have to do with it? Kim Hellemans
interviews Jim Davies about the psychology of time in February's
episode of the podcast Minding the
Brain. https://mindingthebrainpodcast.com/2023/02/01/59-time/
- January 10, 2023: On January 3 Jim Davies appeared on radio
syndication, talking about how to set good goals and keep your new
year's resolutions. He appeared on the following radio shows:
Here and Now in Toronto with Mary Ito
Mainstreet in Cape Breton with Wendy Bergfeldt
Shift in New Brunswick with Vanessa Vander Valk
All Points West in Victoria with Kathryn Marlow
Up North in Sudbury/Thunder Bay with Jonathan Pinto
Airplay in Whitehorse with Dave White
On the Go in St. John's with Anthony Germain
On the Coast in Vancouver with Gloria Macarenko
Up to Speed in Winnipeg with Faith Fundal
Trail's End in Yellowknife with Lawrence Nayally
Mainstreet in Halifax with Jeff Douglas
Afternoon Drive in London, Ontario
Breakaway in Quebec City with Alison Brunette
Afternoon Edition in Saskatchewan with Garth Materie
Homestretch in Calgary
Radio Active in Edmonton with Jessica Ng
- January 5, 2023: Jim Davies interviews Marina Milyavskaya
about how to set good
goals on the Minding the Brain podcast.
- January 2, 2023: Jim Davies talks about how to keep your New
Year's Resolutions on CBC National Television. (6 minutes)
- December 3, 2022: Egg Embry discusses how much he likes the game mechanics of
Jim Davies's Role-Playing Game Things That Go Squeak in the Night in this
article in D20 Radio: The Gamer Nation. Published September 9,
- December 2, 2022: Jim Davies appears on CTV Morning Live television
in an interview by Annette Goerner about how exercise in the winter can
help your mood and cognitive abilities.
https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=2573669 or watch on
Youtube: https://youtu.be/3Fq9F6DepkA
- December 1, 2022: Jim Davies interviews Kim Hellemans and Ian
Richard, the co-president of Carleton University e-sports, about
video game addiction. Is it real? How much is it like drug
- November 30, 2022: Why do people like to watch sports so much?
CityNews interviews Jim Davies about the psychology of sports
fandom, in the context of the World Cup. You can read or listen
(11 minutes 40 seconds).
November 28, 2022: Jim Davies appears on the radio show The
Goods with Dahlia Kurtz, on CFRA 580am. This May 5, 2019
episode explores morning people and night people. What's your
- November 27, 2022: Jim Davies appears on the radio show The Goods with Dahlia Kurtz, on CFRA 580am. This March 10, 2019 episode explores whether there is an epidemic of loneliness.
- November 18, 2022: Jim Davies published a short story The
Drink in the horror anthology Ghosts and other Cthonic
Macabres from Broken Keys Publishing. The story tells of the
struggles of a vampire who gets thrown off of a boat in the ocean.
- November 17, 2022: Jennifer Hsiung interviews Jim Davies on
CP24 in this televised interview of why people are drawn to scary
things, and what that has to do with the nightmares we have. 5 minutes, 20
seconds. Aired October 31, 2022.
- November 15, 2022: People tend to value things less when
they're in the distant future. Part of that is because we have a
harder time imagining it. Read about the role of imagination in
how we value things in the future in Jim Davies's article
in Nautilus.
- November 14, 2022: Jim Davies is interviewed about the role
of numbers in scientific reporting on Midweek. Time
8:46-13:21. Released October,
2022. https://soundcloud.com/capital-news-online/midweek-october-12-2022#t=0:00
- November 12, 2022: Jim Davies is interviewed by
the Independent
Game Designers Network about his 2022 tabletop
role-playing game
that Go Squeak in the Night. 17
minutes. https://youtu.be/rjoCxaa3FMg
- November 8, 2022: Are video games good for you or bad for
you? Kim Hellemans interviews Jim Davies about
the psychology of video games in this month's episode
of Minding the Brain podcast.
- November 8, 2022: A new episode of Eve Pixiedrowner
and the Micean Council is out. This month's episode is
entitled Eve: Revealing the Soulsucker Faerie.
- November 7, 2022: Jim Davies has published a paper on why we
find things compelling in Journal of Mind and
Behavior. This theory was first published in his first popular
science book, Riveted. This is the theory's first
appearance in a peer-reviewed journal
article. https://www.jimdavies.org/research/publications/journal-of-mind-and-behavior/2022/Davies2022.html
- November 4, 2022: A new episode of Eve Pixiedrowner
and the Micean Council is out. This month's episode is
entitled Gretchen: the Techie Raccoon.
- November 2, 2022: The kindle version of Jim Davies's most recent book, Being
the Person Your Dog Thinks You Are: The Science of a Better
You, is on sale during the month of November for only $2. You
can buy it in Amazon's kindle store and read it on a kindle device or
on the free
app. http://www.jimdavies.org/science-of-better/buy.html
- October 28, 2022: Do you dislike the word ``moist?'' Lots of
people do. Jim Davies is interviewed on CFRA's The Goods on
why. Aired April 7, 2019.
- October 27, 2022: A nice review of Being the Person Your Dog
Thinks You Are: The Science of a Better You was published
on Booklist.
- October 25, 2022: Jim Davies and Kim Hellemans supervised two
undergraduate students, Alexander Salgo and Galen O'Shea, in the creation of a video game that
trains you to learn about action potentials in neurons. It is
available in the iOS store and can be run on iPhones and
iPads. The four published a short paper about the game, available
- October 17, 2022:
The Minding the
Brain podcast was selected by the Genius Lab Gear website as
one of
the best
neuroscience podcasts of 2022!
- October 12, 2022: Chess grandmaster Magnus Carlsen accused Hans Neimann of cheating
in an in-person chess game by using AI. Can AI help us know whether
Magnus's accusations have merit? Jim Davies writes about chess and
cheating in the 21st century in Nautilus.
- October 7, 2022: Jim Davies's tabletop role-playing
game Things that Go Squeak in the Night has a positive
review on the Rolling Boxcars
- October 6, 2022: Jim Davies interviews Kim Hellemans on
the Minding the Brain podcast about the world's
most-consumed drug: Caffeine! Grab a cup of coffee and give it a
- September 26, 2022: Jim Davies is interviewed on the
CinemaPsych podcast about real artificial intelligence and
Spielberg's 2001 film A.I. Artificial Intelligence. Was
the AI in that movie realistic? Can AIs be conscious? Can humans
love machines? Listen and find out!
Here is a version on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34d16j-xJQU
- September 11, 2022: Ever wonder why, if the universe is so
big, we haven't communicated with any other intelligent life?
Jim and Kim tackle this question in the latest episode of the
Minding the Brain podcast.
- September 11, 2022: Two new episode of Eve Pixiedrowner
and the Micean Council are out.
- August 31, 2022: What does imagination have to do with
memory? A lot, it turns out. Why are mindfulness and imagination
incompatible? Check out this episode of the
Conversations.Buzz podcast Jim Davies interviewed by
Dave Williams (43 minutes).
- August 30, 2022: When people get older, they experience
cognitive decline. But it's not as simple as all that. In some
ways, we get smarter as we age. Jim Davies explores how in this
article in Nautilus magazine.
- August 17, 2022: Jim Davies appears on an episode of the Clearer Thinking podcast, talking about habit formation
and animal consciousness. Interview by the great Spencer Greenberg.
- August 12, 2022: Jim Davies interviews Kim Hellemans about the
effects of alcohol on the mind and brain in the August episode
of Minding the Brain podcast.
- August 10, 2022: Christiane Wisehart interviews Jim Davies
about comparing the effectiveness of charities. Should you donate
to the best climate change charity, or the best animal welfare
charity, or the best human health charity? Dr. Davies does an
analysis to figure out which one does the most good on
the Examining Ethics podcast.
- August 9, 2022: Jim Davies wrote a tabletop role-playing game
called Things that Go Squeak in the Night. It was
successfully kickstarted and is now available for purchase at
DriveThruRPG. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/384448/Things-That-Go-Squeak-in-the-Night
- July 21, 2022: How much are animal lives worth, morally
speaking? There is enormous disagreement in the literature
concerning this question. This paper, for the first time, tries to
answer the question by estimating the probability of truth of each
theory out there: it takes the uncertainty in the field
seriously. In this journal article economist Richard Bruns and
cognitive scientist Jim Davies look at six animals, many
of which are commonly eaten, and try to draw some
Bruns, R. & Davies, J. (2022).
Moral weights of six animals, considering viewpoint uncertainty. Seeds of Science. (21 pages) https://doi.org/10.53975/k36y-md1m
- July 20, 2022: July's episode of the Minding the Brain
podcast is out. This one is about hacking your reward system.
- July 7, 2022: A new episode of Eve Pixiedrowner
and the Micean Council is out. This month's episode is
entitled Episode 59: Gretchen: Unlocked Cell Phone.
- June 30, 2022: How can you be as good a person as you can be?
Mary Ito interviews Jim Davies about what science says about how to
be a better person on this episode of the CRAM podcast.
Youtube |
Podcasts |
- June 27, 2022: Is our collective situation that bad? Is there
no point in trotting out evidence if it won't change people's
minds? Jim Davies writes that recent research shows some
optimism in Nautilus Magazine.
- June 21, 2022: Jim Davies writes about the difference between
creativity and imagination in this short article
in Imaginezine. https://imaginezine.com/jim-davies/
- June 8, 2022 : A new episode of Eve Pixiedrowner
and the Micean Council is out. This month's episode is
entitled Eve: The Stout House.
- June 6, 2022: Jim Davies uses a treadmill desk at work, and made
a video about it. This video was featured on the Born to Walk
- June 2, 2022: Jim Davies and Jack Parsons published an
article in the journal Cognitive Science reviewing what we
know about the neuroscience of the different parts of analogical
reasoning. This article is a revised version of Mr. Parson's paper
he wrote as an undergraduate honours thesis at Carleton's
Department of Cognitive Science.
- June 1, 2022: Kim Hellemans interviews Dr. Benicio Frey about
depression and treatment of it in June's episode of the Minding
the Brain podcast.
- May 24, 2022: Jim Davies is interviewed about the psychology
of sports fandom on Radio Noon Quebec with Shawn Apel. Why do
people watch the Olympics? The entire piece is 44 minutes. Jim's segment is from
3:00 to 10:31. Aired February 18, 2022.
- May 18, 2022: Jim Davies published an opinion article in
Scientific American about our ethical obligations to
(potential) conscious artificial intelligence.
- May 11, 2022: Minding the Brain is listed as the
number 2 best cognitive science podcast (out of 18) on the
Feedspot website. Check out the list for other podcasts about
the mind and brain!
- May 4, 2022: A new episode of Eve Pixiedrowner
and the Micean Council is out. This month's episode is
entitled Eve: A Sparrow in Human Clothing.
- May 3, 2022: The April and May episodes of Minding the
Brain are out:
and Western Thinking (featuring Richard Nisbett; you can also
see a
video version.)
Happiness (featuring Darren McKee).
- March 18, 2022. Jim Davies wrote a short horror
story, Billable Hours, about a cursed object. Available
at Altered Reality Magazine. https://www.alteredrealitymag.com/billable-hours-by-jim-davies/
- March 16, 2022: Jim Davies has an article in Medium
about the relative benefits of e-books, print books, and audio
books. https://medium.com/@jim.davies/should-i-read-e-books-print-books-or-audio-books-33157b5e3c5e
- March 1, 2022: A new episode of Eve Pixiedrowner
and the Micean Council is out. This month's episode is
entitled Eve: Recruiting Waffles.
- March 1, 2022: Kim Hellemans interviews Michael Hildebrand about the neuroscience of pain on the March episode of Minding the Brain podcast.
- February 25, 2022: Jim Davies published an article
in Philosophical Psychology about why some of the people we
imagine we feel in conscious control of (such as daydream
characters) and some we do not (such as dream characters.) https://www.jimdavies.org/research/publications/philosophical-psychology/2022/Davies2022.html
- February 21, 2022: Jim Davies appears on Element FM in
Toronto, talking about why we are attracted to horror
media. Released November 2020. https://soundcloud.com/elmntfm/mot-jim-davies-corinne-hart
- February 16, 2022: Positive book review by Mei Anne of Being The Person Your
Dog Thinks You Are.
- February 14, 2022: Why do we like watching sports so much? Jim
Davies explores the psychology of sports fandom in this article
in The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/why-do-we-like-watching-the-olympics-so-much-176506
- February 7, 2022: Katherine Dines interviews Jim Davies about why we like to be scared on Ottawa's Move 100.
- February 7, 2022: A new episode of Eve Pixiedrowner
and the Micean Council is out. This month's episode is
entitled An Empty Storehouse.
- February 3, 2022: Kim Hellemans interviews Jim Davies on this
month's Minding the Brain episode, asking "where are all
the geniuses?"
- February 1, 2022: Jim Davies writes about how current AI lags
far behind the brain's computational power in Nautilus
Magazine. Published October 27, 2021.
- January 31, 2022: Jim Davies is interviewed in this
French-language article about why we seek out scary
experiences. Posted December 30, 2021.
- January 27, 2022: Jim Davies appears on the CRAM podcast, talking
about the science of how to make yourself happier. (25 m)
- January 26, 2022: Jim Davies writes in Nautilus
magazine about a new AI trained to make ethical decisions.
- January 25, 2022: Jim Davies is interviewed in The National Post
about work habits during the
pandemic. Published May 20, 2020. https://nationalpost.com/opinion/chris-day-on-covid-19-we-are-forming-new-work-habits-because-of-the-lockdown-and-thats-going-to-be-a-problem
- January 20, 2022: Jim Davies talks with Robyn Bresnahan about
how the pandemic has messed with our perception of time.
- January 19, 2022: Jim Davies interviews Dr. Carole Hooven
about the psychology of testosterone in the latest epsiode of
the Minding the Brain
podcast. https://mindingthebrainpodcast.com/2022/01/01/46-testosterone/
- January 19, 2022: Episode 53 of Eve Pixiedrowner and
the Micean Council, entitled Eve: Somthing Rotten at the
Council is
- January 14, 2022: Weird dreams may serve an evolutionary
purpose. Jim Davies on Wisconsin Public Radio. December 20,
- January 12, 2022: Jim Davies appears on the radio, talking about how to motivate yourself to exercise in the era of the pandemic.
- January 6, 2022: Jim Davies writes for Nautilus about how you can save
more animals by donating $100 USD to a highly-effective charity
than by going vegan for a
year. https://nautil.us/blog/you-can-save-more-animals-by-donating-100-than-going-vegan
- December 31, 2021: Jim Davies on CTV about how to keep your
new year's resolutions. https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=2351884
- December 16, 2021: Jim Davies's tabletop RPG Things That
Go Squeak in the Night was funded on Kickstarter in the first
20 hours, eventually getting
pledges totalling to twice that of the funding goal! This means two stetch
goals were achieved: a hardcover book and a ribbon bookmark in
it. Thank you to everyone who help make this happen! The book
should be released around mid-2022. In the meantime, you can read
the latest episode in the serial Eve Pixiedrowner and the
Micean Council, fiction set in the world of the game: episode
52: Eve: Trapped
Girl. https://www.alteredrealitymag.com/eve-pixiedrowner-by-jim-davies/
- December 10, 2021: Jim Davies is interviewed at his Alma Mater, Oswego State University of New York, about curiosity and science.
- December 8, 2021: A new episode of Minding the Brain,
this one on Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is out. https://mindingthebrainpodcast.com/2021/12/01/45-seasonal-affective-disorder/
- December 7, 2021: Jim Davies is interviewed for the Legends of
Tabletop podcast about his upcoming tabletop role-playing
game Things that Go Squeak in the Night, now on
- December 4, 2021: Jim Davies is interviewed on the Fresh
Out the Box podcast about his upcoming tabletop role-playing
game Things that Go Squeak in the Night, now being
- November 28, 2021: Jim Davies is interviewed by the CBC about why
time seems to pass differently during the pandemic.
- November 23, 2021: Jim Davies designed a tabletop
role-playing game (like Dungeons & Dragons). In it you play heroic
mice. You can back the kickstarter
at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/gallantknightgames/things-that-go-squeak-in-the-night.
- November 3, 2021: The Minding the Brain podcast has a
new episode on the science of free will.
- November 3, 2021: A new episode of Jim Davies's serialized
fiction story, Eve Pixiedrowner and the Micean Coucil is
out. This month's episode is called Eve: Magnitrude.
- October 29, 2021: Jim Davies and Kim Hellemans interviewed on
"The Goods" on CFRA about their podcast, Minding the
Brain. Originally aired November 23, 2019.
- October 25, 2021: Jim Davies is interviewed for the CBC about how the COVID-19 pandemic disrupts our sense of time passing.
- October 25, 2021: A new episode of Jim Davies's serialized
ficiton is out. You can see episode 50, The Twisted Tower
at Altered Reality Magazine:
- October 22, 2021: Jim Davies gave a talk to high school students at the Research Skills Academy about the career of a scientist.
- October 21, 2021: Jim Davies talks to the Ottawa Citizen about the future of the handshake in a post-COVID world.
- October 19, 2021: Jim Davies gave a talk about artificial
intelligence and the possibility that we will have conscious
software someday, and the ethical ramifications. You can watch
the talk at
(14 minutes)
Davies, J. (2021). Consciousness and Artificial
Intelligence. Theoretical and Foundational Problems in
Information Studies. Part of the special session on
Neosentience, Biomemetics, and the Insight Engine 2.0, Duke
University, September 15.
- October 13, 2021: Jim Davies writes in Nautilus magazine on a new theory that holds that dreams are weird because they prevent overfitting in brains.
- September 28, 2021: Jim Davies finds that releasing all of your pre-recorded lectures week by week (the "Disney+" model) isn't any better than releasing them all at once (the "Netflix" model) in this article in Academic Matters.
- September 14, 2021: Episode 49 of Eve Pixiedrowner and the
Micea Council, entitled Eve: The Brutish Dog is
available at Altered Reality Magazine.
- September 10, 2021: Kim Hellmans interviews Jim Davies about the psychology of conspiracy theories on this month's episode of the Minding the Brain Podcast.
- September 10, 2021: Jim Davies published a whimsical fantasy
poem in Altered Reality Magazine called ``Roly Poly.'' Read
it online at https://www.alteredrealitymag.com/roly-poly-by-jim-davies/
- August 9, 2021: The new episode of Eve Pixiedrowner and
the Micean Council is out, entitled Eve: Drawings From a
Missing Child, available at https://www.alteredrealitymag.com/eve-pixiedrowner-by-jim-davies/
- August 8, 2021: Jim Davies writes about how your mind
practices activities while you are asleep in Nautilus Magazine.
- July 16, 2021: Jim Davies publishes in Nautilus magazine about a new, large meta-analysis of interventions to make people happier.
- July 5, 2021: Episode 47 of Even Pixiedrowner and the Micean Council, Vivian's Room,
is available at Altered Reality Magazine.
- June 30, 2021: The book Imagination: The Science of Your
Mind's Greatest Power by Jim Davies is available to listen to, free, on Spotify.
- June 22, 2021: Dr. Alex Gill interviews Dr. Jim Davies about his book "Imagination: The Science of Your Mind's Greatest Power." October 1, 2020 on CKCU 93.1 FM in Ottawa.
- June 21, 2021: Jim Davies gave a keynote presentation at the
Interdisciplinary Student Reseach Conference on
Healthcare (ISRCH-21) conference on May 8, 2021. An audio recording of the
is available.
- June 13, 2021: Jim Davies appears on the podcast Harvesting Happiness about being the best person you can be. Aired March 24, 2021. Jim's interview starts at time 34:25.
- June 1, 2021: Jim Davies interviews Iva Ivanova about
talking in this month's episode of Minding the
podcast. https://mindingthebrainpodcast.com/2021/06/01/41-talking/
- May 19, 2021: Kim Hellemans explores neurodiversity in the
May episode of the Minding the Brain Podcast.
- May 19, 2021: The May episode of Eve Pixiedrowner and the
Micean Council, entitled Eve: Pananima, Jim Davies's episodic fiction, is out. https://www.alteredrealitymag.com/eve-pixiedrowner-by-jim-davies/
- May 12, 2021: Jim Davies appears on the podcast Something You Should Know, about his new book, Being the Person Your Dog Thinks You Are (starting at time 26:13). Released February 18, 2021.
- May 9, 2021: Jim Davies publishes in Nautilus magazine
about how mindfulness can help reduce cognitive
bias. https://nautil.us/blog/a-simple-way-to-reduce-cognitive-bias
- April 28, 2021: Jim Davies published a humorous dialogue
where different parts of someone's brain argue about how to walk a
dog. In Nautilus Magazine
- April 22, 2021: Jim Davies created a video about how to memorize a speech using a memory palace. In it, he walks a student through her talk and shows her how to do it.
- April 16, 2021: Jim Davies and Kim Hellemans on how your mind controls what you do in this new episode of the Minding the Brain Podcast.
- April 14, 2021: Jim Davies writes in Nautilus Magazine
about free will, and how whether we believe in it or not probably doesn't affect our morality.
- April 13, 2021: Jim Davies speaks to the Charlatan about how
COVID-19 might affect the horror genre. Published August
7, 2020.
- April 12, 2021: Jim Davies speaks on a video panel with psychologists to discuss the psychological issues involved with the television show WandaVision. With Dr. Travis Langley, Alex Langley, Dr. Janina Scarlet, Dr. Yoni Sobin, and Dr. Tracy Vozar.
- April 11, 2021: A new paper came out in Entertainment
Computing from The Science of Imagination Laboratory. It
describes a system that creates quests in video games based
on character preferences and using AI planning systems.
Breault, V., Ouellet, S. & Davies, J. (2021). Let CONAN tell you
a story: Procedural quest generation. Entertainment
Computing. 38, 100422, 1--9.
you click on this link before May 25, 2021, you can have free
access to this paper.
The website for this paper is at http://jimdavies.org/research/publications/entertainment-computing/2021/BreaultOuelletDavies2021.html
- April 9, 2021: Jim Davies is interviewed in Altered Reality
Magazine about his fiction and poetry
writing. https://www.alteredrealitymag.com/interview-with-jim-davies/
- April 8, 2021: Jim Davies appears in a Spanish-language
interview about his book Being the Person Your Dog Thinks You
Are: The Science of a Better You on Voice of
- April 6, 2021: Jim Davies appears on the Young Money podcast, talking about the financial advice in his book Being the Person Your Dog Thinks You Are: The Science of a Better You.
- March 29, 2021: Jim Davies speaks about the post-COVID future
of handshaking etiquette. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/post-covid-19-future-of-handshake-etiquette-alternatives-1.5927850
- March 17, 2021: Jim Davies writes in Nautilus about how we
can communicate with dreaming people in real time. https://nautil.us/issue/98/mind/what-if-you-could-describe-your-dreams-while-dreaming
This article was chosen as one of the five best ideas of the day by
the Aspen Institute on March 31, 2021.
- March 16, 2021: Jim Davies is interviewed on Messiah
Community about imagination. Aired May 15, 2020.
- March 12, 2021: Jim Davies and Kim Hellemans: This is your brain
on COVID. https://carleton.ca/ravenmag/story/hellemans-davies-covid-brain/
- March 11, 2021: Jim Davies appears on KGNU in Colorado, talking about the science of self-improvement.
- March 6, 2021: A great review of Eve Pixiedrowner and
the Micean Council was posted on the Two
Bluestockings podcast, starting at time 12:35.
- March 3, 2021: An episode on synesthesia is out on the
Minding the Brain Podcast. https://mindingthebrainpodcast.com/2021/03/01/38-synesthesia/
- March 2, 2021: A new episode of Eve Pixiedrowner and the
Micean Council is out, entitled A Visit to Gregory
Bookkeeper. https://www.alteredrealitymag.com/eve-pixiedrowner-by-jim-davies/
- February 25, 2021: The latest book by Jim Davies, Being the Person Your Dog Thinks You Are, has been nominated for book of the year by the Next Big Idea Club. You can hear a few key points from the book at the recording here:
- February 15, 2021: Jim Davies published an article
in Nautilus Magazine about how imaginary people might be
able to help wiht loneliness. https://nautil.us/blog/can-you-treat-loneliness-by-creating-an-imaginary-friend
- February 11, 2021: Jim Davies talks about what makes for a compelling pop
songs on a promotional video for Carleton University.
- February 5, 2021: A new episode of Eve Pixiedrowner and
the Micean Council has been released. This chapter is
called Waffles Ribeye
- February 3, 2021: A new episode of Minding the Brain
Podcast is out. Jim interviews Kim about behavioral
- February 2, 2021: Jim Davies has published a new book, released today. Being the Person Your Dog Thinks You Are: The Science of a Better You, is all about the science of improving your productivity, happiness, and morality. It's available at bookstores and through online sellers.
- January 8, 2021: A podcast episode of Minding the
Brain is out on the subject of dreams.
- January 3, 2021: Jim Davies appears on CTV, talking about the psychology of new year's resolutions.
- December 2, 2020: Jim Davies interviews Kim Hellemans about
depression in the December episode of the podcast Minding the
Brain. https://mindingthebrainpodcast.com/2020/12/01/35-depression/
- December 2, 2020: A new episode of Even Pixiedrowner and
the Micean Council, called Eve: Coffee at Dawn is out
- November 13, 2020: Tonight Jim Davies will appear on The
Moment of Truth to talk about the psychology of why we enjoy scaring ourselves
with horror movies. 7pm on ELMNT FM. Tune in in Toronto at 106.5
FM or Ottawa at 95.7 FM,
or stream online at elmntfm.ca.
- November 8, 2020: The Minding the Brain Podcast has
episodes out for
October, Choke!
Why We Sometimes Fail Under Pressure, and
November, Personality
- November 2, 2020: A new episode of Eve Pixiedrowner and
the Micean Council has been released, called The
Daughter. It is the final episode in the story arc that has
been released over the last several years. A complete story is up
at https://www.alteredrealitymag.com/eve-pixiedrowner-by-jim-davies/. Next
month a new saga will begin!
- October 21, 2020: CBC's Fresh Air interviews Jim Davies about how people behave in times of upheaval.
- September 20, 2020: Jim Davies won the 2020
Excellence in Blended and Online Teaching Award.
- September 2, 2020: Kim Hellemans and Jim Davies talk about how the psychology and neuroscience of sleep on the latest episode of the Minding the Brain podcast.
- September 2, 2020: Check out the latest episode of Eve
Pixiedrowner and the Micean Council. This episode is
called The Forces of Good. https://www.alteredrealitymag.com/eve-pixiedrowner-by-jim-davies/
- August 24, 2020: Chris Kurys interviews Dr. Jim Davies about the psychology of wearing (and not wearing) masks on 1310 News Ottawa Radio. Aired July 23, 2020.
- August 23, 2020: Jim Davies talks about imagination on the Beyond Reality Radio with JV Johnson, which aired on over 50 radio stations. Release date: December 12, 2019.
- August 20, 2020: Jim Davies publishes on the blog of Nautilus magazine about how psychologists ran an experiment to shed scientific light on an old philosophical problem.
- August 13, 2020: Jim Davies will publish his first tabletop
role-playing game with Gallant Knight Games. The Kickstarter is
expected sometime in 2021. Players take the roles of superheroic
mice protecting children from supernatural threats, from the world
of Davies's serialized fiction Eve Pixiedrowner and the Micean
Council. The game is entitled Things that Go Squeak in the
- August 11, 2020: Check out the latest episode of Eve
Pixiedrowner and the Micean Council. This episode is
called Riding the Bear. https://www.alteredrealitymag.com/eve-pixiedrowner-by-jim-davies/
- August 5, 2020: Kim Hellemans interviews Jim Davies about how imagination can make you happier or miserabler on the latest episode of the Minding the Brain podcast!
- July 29, 2020: Jim Davies is featured on Capital Current about taking time to watch the world during the pandemic.
Riveted by Jim Davies was reviewed on episode 1.6 of the podcast Books to Business. Aired November 24, 2019.
- July 8, 2020: Jim Davies, of Carleton's department of cognitive science, is interviewed about how consuming news can be bad for your happiness.
- July 7, 2020: A new episode of Eve Pixiedrowner and the
Micean Council, called Hunter is Hunted, is available at
- July 7, 2020: A new episode of the Minding the Brain
podcast on the student mental health has been
released. Check it out
at https://mindingthebrainpodcast.com/2020/07/01/30-student-mental-health/.
- June 17, 2020: A new episode of Eve Pixiedrowner and the
Micean Council, called Scuttle and Scuffle, is available at
- June 17, 2020: A new episode of the Minding the Brain
podcast on the psychology of climate change has been
released. Check it out
at https://mindingthebrainpodcast.com/2020/05/31/29-climate-change-psychology/.
- May 27, 2020: Jim Davies, of Carleton's Department of Cognitive Science, appears on the radio show ``The Goods'' with Dahlia Kurtz, on CFRA 580am. This June 30, 2019 episode is about the psychology of the workplace and open-plan offices.
- May 26, 2020: Jim Davies, or Carleton University's Department of Cognitive Science, was on the front page of the Ottawa Citizen yesterday, talking about the possible impact of the pandemic on our habits.
- May 15, 2020: Publisher's weekly has a positive review of Jim Davies book Imagination:
- May 12, 2020: Jim Davies published an article in his Psychology
Today blog that was selected as an essential read: Wrapping Your Brain
Around a Pandemic.
- May 5, 2020: Jim Davies publishes a new episode
of Even Pixiedrowner and the Micean Council: Episode
33: Meeting the Bear. Check out the entier series at https://www.alteredrealitymag.com/eve-pixiedrowner-by-jim-davies/
- May the 4th be with you, 2020: Jim Davies's article on the
psychology of the Coronavirus pandemic was selected as an
essential read on the Psychology Today website.
- May 1, 2020: In this month's episode of the podcast Minding the Brain, Kim Hellemans interviews Jim Davies about psychological issues related to the Coronavirus. Why are people drawn to Coronavirus conspiracy theories? What is the impact of social isolation on mental health? What is the best way for governments to discourage bad behavior during lockdown?
- April 28, 2020: Jim Davies appears on the radio show ``The Goods'' with Dahlia Kurtz, on CFRA 580am. This June 6, 2019 episode is about the morality of having children.
- April 23: 2020: Jim Davies talks about the psychology of sports
fandom in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic in
the Ottawa Citizen.
- April 22, 2020: Jim Davies: What do Humans Find Interesting
and What are Humans Naturally Curious About? The Matt Chiem
Experience. Episode 18. December 2019.
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4f3E4dhQ66CmGJ5ovI2jtz
- April 16, 2020: Jim Davies was featured in the Ottawa
Calligraphy Society's newsletter.
- April 15, 2020: Jim Davies appears on the radio show ``The Goods'' with Dahlia Kurtz, on CFRA 580am. This March 24, 2020 episode deals with the effects of marriage and children on happiness.
- April 13, 2020: Tanya Kelen interviews Jim Davies about why we find things compelling.
- April 10, 2020: Jim Davies was the last live interview before the COVID-19
shutdown. See him talk about his latest book, Imagination, on The
Agenda with Steve Paikin. Aired April 8, 2020. https://youtu.be/BP8Ex8oDm7Q
- April 8, 2020: Jim Davies talks imagination on the Science
Focus podcast from March 24, 2020. https://www.sciencefocus.com/the-human-body/jim-davies-how-do-you-use-your-imagination/
- April 7, 2020: Jim Davies released a new episode of Eve
Pixiedrowner and the Micean Council. Check out Episode 32, ``A Plan
in Motion'' at Altered Reality
Magazine. https://www.alteredrealitymag.com/eve-pixiedrowner-by-jim-davies/
- April 6, 2020: Jim Davies is interviewed about psychics in the Ottawa Citizen.
- April 1, 2020: A new episode of the Minding the Brain
podcast is live at
This episode features an interview with Dr. Gerald Cupchik about
emotional expression.
- March 26, 2020: Jim Davies appeared on Rogers TV's Ottawa Experts as the
voice of science on a panel about imagination and
happiness. Interview by Barbara
Balfour. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7DOdVSSaaWQ
- March 24, 2020: Jim Davies appears on the podcast The
Reality Check, talking about how sometimes you can have
emotions that you are not conscious of. http://www.trcpodcast.com/emotions-you-dont-feel/
- March 23, 2020: Rob Donahue interviews Jim Davies about
his Imagination book on WAMC.
- March 20, 2020: Audio interview with Jim Davies about how
autonomous vehicles might make our cities more charming.
- March 11, 2020: The award-winning Minding the Brain
podcast has a new episode all about what's involved with imagining
people. https://mindingthebrainpodcast.com/2020/03/01/26-imaginary-people/
- March 5, 2020: Jim Davies writes about whether you can improve your mental imagery in the ``The Junkyard,'' a blog about imagination.
There are commentaries from philosophers Kourken Michelean
and Mike Stuart
Commentaries by Davies follow.
- February 24, 2020: Jim Davies on how self-driving cars could reshape our cities--for the better.
- February 10, 2020: How can imagination help in politics? Read
Imagining Our Way to a Better Future by Jim Davies,
published in The Hill.
- February 3, 2020: Kim Hellemans is interviewed by Jim Davies
about gender and the brain on the award-winning Minding the
Brain Podcast. Also featured are interviews with Gareth Rurak
and Matt Al-Anizy.
- February 1, 2020: Episode 30 of Eve Pixiedrowner and
the Micean Council is out, entitled The Crazy Man in the Woods. https://www.alteredrealitymag.com/eve-pixiedrowner-by-jim-davies/
- January 27, 2020: Jim Davies, of Carleton University's Institute of
Cognitive Science, is interviewed on Quirks and Quarks on
imagination. cbc.ca/1.5430007
- January 24, 2020: Jim Davies is (briefly) mentioned in a Medium article about
creativity in scientists. https://medium.com/@jaykrasnow/doodling-on-the-job-federal-stem-experts-use-artistic-skills-to-aid-agencies-missions-3a2a407e7658
- January 21, 2020: Jim Davies appears on CTV talking about
habit-breaking and New Year's
- January 23, 2020: Kim Hellemans is interviewed by Jim Davies
about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) on the
award-winning Minding the Brain Podcast.
- January 21, 2020: A new episode of Eve Pixiedrowner and
the Micean Council is out, entitled Children Can be
Frightened. https://www.alteredrealitymag.com/eve-pixiedrowner-by-jim-davies/
- January 10, 2020: Jim Davies and Kim Hellemans are
interviewed by Michael Covel about their award-winning
podcast Minding the Brain on this episode of Trend
Following. https://www.trendfollowing.com/2020/01/09/ep-831-kim-hellemans-jim-davies-interview-michael-covel-trend-following-radio/
- December 13, 2019: Jim Davies, of Carleton's Institute of
Cognitive Science, appears on the radio show "The Goods" with
Dahlia Kurtz, on CFRA 580am. This January 13, 2019 episode
explores the science of advertising.
- December 11, 2019: Minding the Brain's podcasters Kim Hellemans and Jim Davies appear on the CBC to talk about their podcast winning the 2019 People's Choice Award for Best Science Site. Ottawa Morning with Robyn Bresnahan. Aired Oct. 30, 2019.
- December 10, 2019: Jim Davies, of Carleton's Institute of Cognitive Science, appears on the radio show The Goods with Dahlia Kurtz, on CFRA 580am. This May 12, 2019 episode explores the science surrounding attachment and intimacy.
- December 9, 2019: Science Borealis wrote up an article about the Minding the Brain Podcast's award. This podcast is hosted by Carleton's Jim Davies and Kim Hellemans.
- December 9, 2019: The next episode of Eve Pixiedrowner and
the Micean Council, "Entering the Interstitium." https://www.alteredrealitymag.com/eve-pixiedrowner-by-jim-davies/
- December 6, 2019: Kim Hellemans interviews Jim Davies about hallucinations on
their award-winning podcast Minding the Brain.
- December 3, 2019: Jim Davies appears on the radio show The Goods with Dahlia Kurtz, on CFRA 580am. This May 19, 2019 episode explores the science surrounding bicycles.
- November 29: Jim Davies is interviewed about the AI in the
film Blade Runner in The
November 21, 2019: Jim Davies, of Carleton's Institute of Cognitive Science, appears on Ottawa Daytime television with his new book on Imagination.
- Imagination was reviewed
in Nature.
- November 5, 2019: Imagination: The Science of Your Mind's
Greatest Power, by Jim Davies, is available! Kirkus says
that the book is "...ever engaging...A worthy companion to books
by Oliver Sacks, Daniel Dennett, and other students of the always
puzzling human mind." You can buy it at
- October 29, 2019: Jim Davies interviewed on the podcast The Oren Klaff Project about warming up the audience in a talk.
- October 28, 2019: Video review of Riveted on Linkedin. https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6590418901979537408/
- October 9, 2019: Jim Davies gave a lecture on effective time
management. You can listen
- October 4, 2019: Fun video review of Riveted
at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YceDpLxSiE4&fbclid=IwAR2CjfmKlYnEmFm62jz4dIEJbQILo0iK4zZg83iS7vCFLe81K-SJcsjG_MI
- Jim Davies appears on the radio show The Goods with Dahlia Kurtz, on CFRA 580am. This January 20, 2019 episode explores imagery and pain relief.
- Minding the
Brain won the 2019 People's Choice Award for Favourite Canadian
Science Site, from the Science Writers and
Communicators of Canada! Thank you to everyone who voted!
- October 1, 2019: Hear about voices in the head from someone who has dealt with
them for a long time, on the Minding the Brain podcast.
- September 29, 2019: Jim Davies spoke about imagination at Ottawa, Ontario's
Science and Tech museum on September 28, 2019, at 1pm. https://ingeniumcanada.org/events/curiosity-on-stage-this-week-the-science-of-imagination
- Jim Davies published in Nautilus magazine about the brain similarities of remembering and imagining.
- Minding the Brain made it into the top five nominated science media
for this year's People's Choice Award for Favourite Canadian
Science Site, from the Science Writers and
Communicators of Canada!
- September 9, 2019: Jim Davies appears on Rogers TV, talking
about the benefits and drawbacks of multitasking, particularly in
regards to study habits.
- Aug 29, 2019: Jim Davies appears on the radio show The Goods with Dahlia Kurtz, on CFRA 580am. This June 2, 2019 episode explores burnout.
- Jim Davies's new book,Imagination:
The Science of Your Mind's Greatest Power will be
available November 5, 2019.
- May 15, 2019: Jim Davies on 580 CFRA about attachment and how your childhood affects adult relationships.
- May 15, 2019: Jim Davies on 580 CFRA about the myth of talent.
May 15, 2019: Jim Davies on 580 CFRA about the myth of talent. https://soundcloud.com/scjimmyd/2019-03-31-cfra-the-myth-of-talent
- May 15, 2019: Jim Davies on 580 CFRA about morning people and
night people. https://soundcloud.com/scjimmyd/2019-05-05-morning-people-night-people
- May 13, 2019: Jim Davies is interviewed by Tanya Kelen on why we find things compelling. Recorded June 28, 2018. https://vimeo.com/315564097
- May 9, 2019: Dr. Davies interviewed on the podcast “Prof Talks” about imagination and why we find things compelling.
A briefer written version of the is interview can be found here:
- April 3, 2019: Jim Davies was written up in the CBC about the psychology of sports. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/5-reasons-your-brain-cant-resist-the-super-bowl-1.5002801
- April 3, 2019: Interview about the book Riveted.
- April 3, 2019: Jim Davies's Calligraphy was written up in a profile in the newsletter of the Ottawa Calligraphy Society. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y40-klhVJ8lRMM4KkMGPwcH3W_YeSwex/view?usp=sharing
- March 28, 2019: Jim Davies on the CFRA about why people are mean online: https://soundcloud.com/scjimmyd/2019-03-03-cfra-why-people-are-mean-online
- March 28, 2019: Article in The Conversation about the science of telling kids about Santa: https://theconversation.com/the-science-of-saying-goodbye-to-santa-108235
- March 28, 2019: Jim Davies on CFRA, talking about the toll of stressful jobs: https://soundcloud.com/scjimmyd/2019-03-17-cfra-stressful-jobs
- March 28, 2019: Dr. Davies's tips on how to take notes in class was mentioned in the news: https://sites.tufts.edu/teaching/2019/03/08/taking-notes-is-the-pen-mightier-than-the-keyboard/
- March 28, 2019: "Thunderwords" is a style of handwriting/calligraphy that he developed in the early 2000s. An introductory video for the style is here:
- March 7, 2019: Jim Davies was on CFRA 580’s “The Goods” with Dahlia Kurtz, talking about the psychology of why we love music. https://soundcloud.com/scjimmyd/2019-02-10-cfra-psychology-of-music
- February 14, 2019: Jim Davies has been on the radio recently, talking about the psychology of why we like sports.
- February 1, 2019: Interviews with Jim Davies and neuroscientist Anjan Chatterjee on the latest podcast episode of Minding the Brain: Beauty and Neuroaesthetics! https://mindingthebrainpodcast.com/2019/02/01/13-beauty-and-neuroaesthetics/
- January 22, 2019: Jim Davies speaks about the science of psychics in an interview by Dahlia Kurtz on “The Goods.” 580AM CFRA. https://soundcloud.com/scjimmyd/2019-01-06-psychics-580-cfra-dahlia-kurtzwav
- January 18, 2019: The book “Star Wars Psychology: The Dark Side of the Mind” got a great review here, and a chapter Jim Davies co-wrote with film composer Joe Kramer was specifically mentioned. https://www.thebeardedtrio.com/2015/11/book-review-dark-side-of-mind-star-wars.html
- January 15, 2019: Jim Davies is interviewed in the Epoch Times about the psychology of morality and how it relates to the imagination. https://www.theepochtimes.com/imagination-is-key-to-morality_2719993.html
- January 10, 2019: Jim Davies was interviewed on CKCU about his serialized fiction set in Ottawa, Eve Pixiedrowner and the Micean Council. You can listen to this 18 minute interview at https://soundcloud.com/scjimmyd/jim-davies-interview-about-eve-pixiedrowner-and-the-micean-council
- January 8, 2019: Jim Davies released a new episode of Eve Pixiedrowner and the Micean Council. Check out Beware of the Fae at Altered Reality Magazine. http://www.alteredrealitymag.com/serials/eve-pixiedrowner-and-the-micean-council-by-jim-davies/
- January 4, 2019: Kim Hellemans interviews Jim Davies about the psychology of why people like sports on the latest episode of the Minding the Brain Podcast. https://mindingthebrainpodcast.com/2019/01/01/12-why-we-like-sports/
- December 4, 2018: Episode 16 of Eve Pixiedrowner and the Micean Council, "The Acorn Trap," has been released! http://www.alteredrealitymag.com/serials/eve-pixiedrowner-and-the-micean-council-by-jim-davies/
- December 4, 2018: Kim Hellemans interviews Carleton neuroscientist Alfonso Abizaid about eating and nutrition in the most recent episode of the Podcast Minding the Brain, hosted by Kim and Jim Davies. https://mindingthebrainpodcast.com/2018/12/01/11-nutrition-and-the-brain/
- November 29, 2018: Jim Davies argues in Nautilis Magazine that we have many unconscious beliefs. http://nautil.us/blog/many-of-our-beliefs-are-unconscious-a-response-to-nick-chater
- November 27, 2018: Dr. Davies has a philosophy talk online, about distributed cognition and extended mind theory: https://youtu.be/lcToz4VxH04
- November 22, 2018: Jim's article on whether you can multitask appeared in The Conversation. http://theconversation.com/the-science-of-multitasking-and-why-you-should-doodle-in-class-101425
- November 8, 2018: A new Episode of Eve Pixiedrowner and the Micean Council has been released.
- November 6, 2018: Kim Hellemans interviews Jim Davies on the psychology of alien abduction in the most recent episode of their podcast, Minding the Brain. Check out more in Jim’s book, “Riveted.” https://mindingthebrainpodcast.com/2018/11/01/10-alien-abduction/
- October 26, 2018: Jim Davies's productivity method, the "half hours" method, was featured on the Lifehacker website. https://lifehacker.com/increase-your-productivity-by-switching-tasks-every-hal-1828942200
- October 17, 2018: Minding the Brain's episode on Imagining the Future will be featured on the Podcast Playlist on Oct. 20, 2018. Podcast Playlist features the best of podcasting in Canada and airs on CBC Radio One on Saturday at 2 p.m. October 17, 2018: Dr. Davies spoke about his book Riveted at Georgia Tech's GVU distinguished alumni event.
- October 17, 2018: Jim Davies and Darren McKee spoke about free will and the Westworld TV show at CAN*CON 2018.
- October 3, 2018: The new episode of Eve Pixiedrowner and the Micean Council is out, entitled "The Diplomat Dichall."
- October 3, 2018: In the latest episode of the Minding the Brain podcast, Kim and Jim answer questions about brains and minds in front of a live audience. Tune in for 20 Questions with Kim and Jim!
- September 5, 2018: A new episode of Eve Pixiedrowner and the Micean Council was released on September 1, 2018, in Altered Reality Magazine. http://www.alteredrealitymag.com/serials/eve-pixiedrowner-and-the-micean-council-by-jim-davies/
- September 5, 2018: We all know what exercise is good for your body. But did you know that it’s good for your brain, too? Jim Davies interviews neuroscientist Kim Hellemans on the effects of exercise in the most recent episode of their podcast, Minding the Brain. https://mindingthebrainpodcast.com/2018/09/01/8-exercise/
- August 28, 2018: Jim Davies and Kim Hellemans will present a live recording of their podcast, Minding the Brain, at the Carleton University homecoming throwback on Monday, September 10, 2018. Register online and submit your questions, or tweet questions, tagging @Mindingthebrain https://carleton.ca/fass/2018/throwback-2018-live-podcast-time-minding-the-brain/
- August 21, 2018: Jim Davies published a poem in Altered Reality Magazine entitled “Unstole it.” http://www.alteredrealitymag.com/unstole-it-by-jim-davies/
- August 16, 2018: Jim Davies's article in The Conversation about religion and morality was translated into Indonesian. https://theconversation.com/agama-tidak-menentukan-moralitas-anda-100786
- August 7, 2018: A new episode of Minding the Brain, on estrogen and its relationship to women's mental health, is available. https://mindingthebrainpodcast.com/2018/08/01/7-estrogen-and-the-brain/
- July 24, 2018: Jim Davies's new episode of Eve Pixiedrowner and the Micean Council is live at Altered Reality Magazine. The new episode is titled "Draining the Prodigy."
- July 19, 2018: Jim Davies appears on the award-winning Reality Check podcast, talking about how memory palaces, made famous by the Sherlock television show, can be used to aid in memory. http://www.trcpodcast.com/trc-505-memory-palaces-donating-used-clothing/
- July 16, 2018:The Minding the Brain podcast, hosted by Carleton professors Kim Hellemans and Jim Davies, has released its next episode in concert with the Canadian Museum of Nature’s exhibit Brain: The Inside Story (until September 3, 2018). This episode features Kim and Jim walking through the exhibit, talking about what they see and talking about brains and minds.
- July 5, 2018: The Minding the Brain podcast, hosted by Carleton professors Kim Hellemans and Jim Davies, has released its next episode in concert with the Canadian Museum of Nature’s exhibit Brain: The Inside Story (until September 3, 2018). This episode, on using drugs that have often been illegal and abused on the street for treating mental and brain illnesses, features interviews with Dr. Eric Sell and Dr. Pierre Blier, who will speak at the Museum on July 26. http://www.MindingTheBrainPodcast.com/
- June 13, 2018: Jim Davies, of Carleton University’s Institute of Cognitive Science, has a chapter in the new book Daredevil Psychology: The Devil You Know about how the blind (and especially the fiction fictional character of Daredevil) perceive the world around us. http://jimdavies.org/research/publications/daredevil-psychology/2018/Davies2018.html
- Jun 13, 2018: The book Star Wars Psychology: Dark Side of the Mind was well reviewed, including a mention of Jim Davies’s chapter on why we care about droids. https://www.popmythology.com/star-wars-psychology-will-awaken-the-force-in-you/
- June 4, 2018: Dr. Davies's podcast Minding the Brain will do three episodes in concert with the Canadian Museum of Nature's "Brain: The Inside Story" exhibit, on now. The first episode, on concussions, is out. Check it out at https://mindingthebrainpodcast.com/2018/06/01/5-concussions/
- May 22, 2018: Jim Davies’s article in Nature was featured in an article in the publication AI Business. https://aibusiness.com/professor-jim-davies-stop-obsessing-about-ais-consciousness-focus-on-ethics/
- May 15, 2018: Jim Davies gave a short talk and answering questions on a panel about the ethics of artificial intelligence on May 22, 2018, from 5 - 7pm on the 12th floor of the Demarais Building-Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa, 55 Laurier Avenue East. Video online at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYS3Vy2KVa0&list=PLAxI5w-KUIwNJIu4_5lZDXdKtClfsduQQ&index=5
- May 11, 2018:Jim Davies has an article in the journal Cognitive Science, about computer models of imagination, and how imaginings can be coherent or incoherent.
Vertolli, M.O., Kelly, M.A., & Davies, J. (2017). Coherence in the visual imagination. Cognitive Science. 42, 885—917. http://jimdavies.org/research/publications/cognitive-science-journal/2017/VertolliKellyDavies2017.html
- May 8, 2018: A philosophy paper by Jim Davies and Jeanette Bicknell is now available free for download.
Davies, J. & Bicknell, J. (2016). Imagination and belief: The microtheories model of hypothetical thinking. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 23(3-4), 31--49.
- May the Fourth be with you, 2018: There are nine episodes released of Jim Davies's serialized online fiction Eve Pixiedrowner and the Micean Council, available at
- May the Fourth be with you, 2018: Jim Davies published a philosophically-oriented paper on the definition of “learning.” You can download the paper free.
Davies, J. (2017). What is learning? A definition for cognitive science. In G. Gunzelmann, A. Howes, T. Tenbrink, & E. J. Davelaar (Eds.), Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 271--276). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society. http://jimdavies.org/research/publications/cognitive-science-conference/2017/Davies2017g.html
- May 2, 2018: Kim Hellemans interviews Jim Davies about the psychology of social networks (online and off!) on their podcast Minding the Brain. https://mindingthebrainpodcast.com/2018/05/01/4-social-networks/
- May 2, 2018: Jim Davies is interviewed on the podcast “Life With a Sixth Sense” about why we find things compelling. https://soundcloud.com/nawfel-djari/why-things-attract-our-attention-with-dr-jim-davies
- April 30, 2018: Jim Davies is interviewed with Dr. Deirdre Kelly on the Imaginary Worlds podcast on the psychology of Doctor Who villains (time 23:04 to 27:39). https://www.imaginaryworldspodcast.org/behind-the-daleks.html
- April 24 ,2018: Jim Davies is interviewed on Radio Canada International on why we like sports. http://www.rcinet.ca/en/2018/02/24/why-do-we-watch-sports/
- April 9, 2018: Jim Davies is interviewed on the Ottawa Blog Apt 613 on why we are interested in art. http://apt613.ca/jim-davies-appeal-art/
- February 15, 2018: Jim Davies is interviewed on radio station CKCU 93.1 FM, in Ottawa, about the psychology of why we watch sports. https://soundcloud.com/scjimmyd/interview-with-dr-jim-davies-on-ckcu-on-the-psychology-of-sports
- February 15, 2018: Riveted is now available as an audiobook, both on CD and through Audible.
- February 7, 2018: Jim Davies has an article on the blog of Nautilus magazine about the psychology of why we watch sports. http://nautil.us/blog/5-reasons-why-humans-cant-do-without-sports
- February 5, 2018: Jim Davies and Dr. Kim Hellemans have started a podcast on cogitive and brain sciences, called Minding the Brain. You can subscribe on iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/minding-the-brain/id1343364845
or listen to episodes on the webpage http://www.MindingTheBrainPoscast.com/
Google Play: https://play.google.com/music/m/Izs3my4kn4r66xltl5cwjgmbgta?t=Minding_the_Brain
or Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/minding-the-brain
- January 16, 2018: Jim Davies, of Carleton University’s Institute of Cognitive Science, takes a walk around the National Art Gallery of Canada, talking to the CBC about the psychology of why we like art (10 minutes). http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/programs/allinaday/have-you-ever-wondered-why-you-love-some-paintings-and-dislike-others-1.4459392
There is an accompanying web article, as well: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/art-professor-study-abstract-1.4459993
- January 15, 2018: The Charlatan has an article about Jim Davies, interviewing him about the appeal of art.
- January 8, 2018: Jim Davies speaks on the “High Off Life” podcast about creativity and the nature of talent (53 minutes). https://soundcloud.com/highofflifepodcast/what-is-talent-who-is-an-artist-i
- December 14, 2017: Jim Davies will be on TVO (streams from Twitter or Facebook) on The Agenda with Steve Paikin tonight at 8pm and 11pm EST (and tomorrow morning at 5am), talking about the psychology of alien design in the Star Wars movies.
- December 14, 2017: Jim Davies speaks on the “Talking to Teens” podcast about how to raise teenagers who can think for themselves. https://www.talkingtoteens.net/raise-teens-who-can-think-for-themselves/
- December 6, 2017: Lia Turner is a @cu_research studen who appeared on “Quirks and Quarks,” answering questions about what blind people see, how they dream, and the differences between dreaming and hallucination. You can hear Ms. Turner, who is a member of Jim Davies's Sciecne of Imagination Laboratory, at times 00:44:00 and 1:06:40.
- December 5, 2017: Jim Davies is writing a fiction serial for the fantasy magazine Altered Reality. It tells the story of a group of mice who protect the children of Ottawa from supernatural threats. The first episode was released on September 1, 2017, and a new episode will be released every month on magazine’s website.
Eve Pixiedrowner and the Micean Council tells the story of a mouse who lives a quiet life in the Gatineau hills until news of how she kills a pixie with her bare paws reaches the Micean Council. Eve gets recruited to help the Council hunt the dark creatures that prey upon Ottawa’s children. In a city of apathetic squirrels and oblivious humans, the mice are the children’s last hope!
Davies, a professor at Carleton University, wanted to make Ottawa feel very real in the story: “Ottawans will recognize the locations, from famous places such as Parliament Hill to small spots like the Jack Purcell off-leash dog park.”
The story is a light-hearted urban animal fantasy. “It’s a bit of a cross between The Rescuers and Ghostbusters,” says Davies, “It has the complexity of adult fiction, but with nothing over the heads of young adults.”
Why mice? “Mice are some of the smallest mammals in Canada, which makes them great underdogs. Just crossing the city in winter is major difficulty for a mouse, particularly when you need to keep your activities hidden from humans. There’s a lot of pigeon riding,” Davies says.“Plus, people just love mice.”
- November 29, 2017: Matthew Murdoch ran a study, under the supervision of Jim Davies, which found that people get the same spiritual feelings from an virtual church on a computer screen versus the same church in real life. This suggests that we can investigate the emotional effects of real-world locations using simulations.
The link to the paper below is a for a free download of the paper until about December 27, 2017.
And afterward click here: http://www.jimdavies.org/research/publications/cyberpsychology/MurdochDavies2017.html
Murdoch, M. & Davies, J. (2017). Spiritual and affective responses to a physical church and corresponding virtual model. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. 20(11); 702—708.
- November 17, 2017: Jim Davies appears on the Entrepreneur podcast, talking about imagination, productivity, and creativity. https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/303921
- November 2, 2017: On November 6 Jim Davies will speak about procedural generation at an Ottawa VR meetup.
- November 2, 2017: Jim Davies writes on the Nautilus blog about the psychology of why we (sometimes) like absurd art. http://nautil.us/blog/how-absurd-do-you-like-your-art
- October 24, 2017: Jim Davies was interviewed by The Charlatan about alien design and creativity. http://charlatan.ca/2017/10/qa-carleton-professor-jim-davies/
- October 17, 2017: Jim Davies will present a lecture on the ethics of superintelligent artificial intelligence on November 3, at 10am, as part of the Ottawa Writer’s Festival. It will be held at The NRC Auditorium Building, M-50, at 1200 Montreal Road, Ottawa. Registration is free. http://www.writersfestival.org/events/fall-2017/nrc-presents-the-ethics-of-big-data-artificial-intelligence-and-human-centric-science
- October 4, 2017: Jim Davies appeared in the Ottawa Citizen, talking about the psychology of aliens and how they look. http://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/why-the-aliens-kind-of-look-like-us-ottawa-professor-explains-psychology-of-star-trek
- September 7, 2017: Jim Davies's description of the paper below was chosen as an essential topic on the Psychology Today blog. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-science-imagination/201709/how-we-can-catch-ball-when-we-dont-know-where-it-will-be
- September 6, 2017: Jim Davies published a paper in the proceedings of the Cognitive Science society, with co-author Jay Jennings. The paper showed that even though people think a ball coming out of a curved tube will continue in a curved manner, they do not make this mistake when actually catching a ball coming out of such a tube.
Jennings, J. & Davies, J. (2017). The motor system does not use a curvilinear belief: Folk physics and embodied cognition. In G. Gunzelmann, A. Howes, T. Tenbrink, & E. J. Davelaar (Eds.), Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 2296—2301). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
- August 8, 2017: Jim Davies published two book chapters in the new book Star Trek Psychology: The Mental Frontier. One is about creativity and the design of Star Trek’s aliens, and the other is about the representation of artificial intelligence in the Star Trek universe (co-authored with Dr. Anthony Francis).
Dr. Davies has also published chapters in psychology books about Star Wars and Doctor Who.
Davies, J. (2017). Imagination, creativity, and aliens. In T. Langley (Ed.) Star Trek psychology: The mental frontier. 239—250.
Francis, A. & Davies, J. (2017). The measure of a machine: The psychology of Star Trek’s artificial Intelligence. In T. Langley (Ed.) Star Trek psychology: The mental frontier. 251—266.
- August 2, 2017: Jim Davies published an article in the Scientific American website about why you should not tell people about your dreams. https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/why-you-shouldnt-tell-people-about-your-dreams/#
- July 5, 2017: American radio station WNPR featured Jim Davies talking about how hard it is to predict the future, and the biases we have about it. Dr. Davies appears at time 21:10. You can listen to the show at: http://wnpr.org/post/our-year-unexpected-outcomes
- July 1, 2017: Jim Davies has achieved the rank of full professor, effective July 1, 2017.
- June 15, 2017: Jim Davies, of Carleton University’s Institute of Cognitive Science and School of Computer Science, has an article on the blog for Nautilus magazine about how scientists are bringing the benefits of meditation to mice just by shining light in their eyes. http://nautil.us/blog/this-could-be-a-way-to-get-the-benefits-of-meditation-without-meditating
- June 15, 2017: Jim Davies published an article in Nautilus's blog about the real-world ethical importance of consciousness research. Davies, J. (2017). The moral importance of understanding consciousness. Nautilus blog entry May 21, retrieved from http://nautil.us/blog/the-moral-importance-of-understanding-consciousness
- Jim Davies's play, Cookiecrumble Cookie Toss premiered at the Oak Theater in Atlanta in 2017.
- February 3, 2017: Jim Davies appears on the science podcast “The Reality Check,” talking about AI and consciousness. http://www.trcpodcast.com/trc-429-5-programming-ethics-into-ai/
- February 3, 2017: Jim Davies published in Nautilus about how we make moral judgments. http://nautil.us/blog/how-considering-false-histories-changes-our-moral-judgments
- February 3, 2017: Jim Davies appeared on the CBC television talking about how just Imagining Your Workout Helps. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bxTVwdX4B8&feature=youtu.be
- February 3, 2017: Jim Davies published a conference proceedings paper on moral judgment with Dr. Deirdre Kelly.
Kelly, D. & Davies, J. (2016). The Charon model of moral judgment. In A. Papafragou, D. Grodner, D. Mirman, & J.C. Trueswell (Eds.) Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society. 1415—1420.
- December 9, 2016: Jim Davies published a blog post for Nautilus Magazine about how testosterone can make men more generous. http://nautil.us/blog/testosterone-can-make-men-feel-generous
- December 6, 2016:
Jim Davies appears on the Radio Canada International, talking about consciousness and AI. (12 minutes) http://www.rcinet.ca/en/2016/12/06/developing-artificial-intelligence-boon-or-bane/
- December 1, 2016: Jim Davies appeared on the radio program “Ottawa Morning” about artificial intelligence and consciousness (8 minutes). Interview by Robyn Bresnahan. https://soundcloud.com/scjimmyd/2016-jim-davies-ai-and-consciousness-ottawa-morning-with-robyn-bresnahan
- November 24, 2016: Congratulations to Can Mekik and Dr. Sterling Somers for graduating from Carleton U's Cognitive Science program (Master's and Ph.D., respectively.) https://www.facebook.com/drjimdavies/posts/10101630727536551?pnref=story
- November 22, 2016: Jim Davies on the radio “The John Batchelor Show” about artificial intelligence and consciousness (21 minutes).
- November 7, 2016: Jim Davies's blog entry about how we can sometimes have emotions we can’t feel in Nautilus Magazine: http://nautil.us/blog/you-can-have-emotions-you-dont-feel
- October 20, 2016: Jim Davies published an opinion piece in Nature about how consciousness is a red herring when we concern ourselves with dangerous artificial intelligence.
Davies, J. (2016). Program good ethics into artificial intelligence. Nature, 538(291), October 20.
- October 17, 2016: Jim Davies appeared on CBC Radio One's "Ontario Today," interviewed by Rita Celli about whether robots will ever be able to suffer, and whether we will need to treat them with ethical consideration. Discussed in the context of the new television show "Westworld." https://soundcloud.com/scjimmyd/if-we-can-love-a-robot-can-we-also-hurt-one
- October 4, 2016: Jim Davies will give a talk on imagination and belief Friday for philosophy at Carleton U https://carleton.ca/philosophy/wp-content/uploads/DaviesPoster.pdf
- September 20, 2016: Jim Davies's Nautilus article has attracted news attention:
- August 17, 2016: You can use your imagination to make yourself stronger and better at sports. Jim Davies writes in Nautilus: http://nautil.us/blog/just-imagining-a-workout-can-make-you-stronger
- July 20, 2016: What are dreams for? Jim Davies's new article in Nautilus http://nautil.us/blog/your-terrifying-dreams-could-be-rehearsal-for-real-life
- July 6, 2016: Jim Davies appears on the Youniversity podcast, talking about the power of imagination. http://www.brendansage.com/10-2/
- 2016: Jim Davies appears on the podcast "Spark My Muse," talking about imagination. http://lisadelay.com/blog/2016/05/06/eps-60-the-science-of-the-imagination-and-fascination/?
- June 8, 2016: Jim Davies published a blog entry at Nautilus on how well we can predict our future happiness: http://nautil.us/blog/be-happier-by-knowing-your-future-self
- May 19, 2016: Jim Davies appeared on the podcast "The Reality Check" to talk about the psychology of the droids of Star Wars.
- May 4, 2016: Dr. Davies published an entry on his Psychology Today blog: If the history of life on Earth were a pool, how much water would represent your life?
- May 4, 2016: For people who teach video and online courses, a blog entry by Jim Davies about slide design.
- April 5, 2016: New publications:
Davies, J. & Michaelian, K. (2016). Identifying and individuating cognitive systems: A task-based distributed cognition alternative to agent-based extended cognition. Cognitive Processing.
Davies, J. & Bicknell, J. (2016). Imagination and belief: The microtheories model of hypothetical thinking. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 23(3-4), 31--49.
- March 23, 2016: Jim Davies on our psychological setpoints on the Nautilus blog.
- February 23, 2016: Jim Davies appeared on the BBC radio show Digital Human, talking about imagination.
- Jan 29, 2016: Jim Davies appeared on Ontario Today radio call-in show to talk about why people still believe in newspaper horoscopes. mp3
- Recently Dr. Davies gave a talk on the mistakes people make when imagining their future at TEDx CarletonU (14 min).
- Jan 28, 2016: Jim Davies published a blog entry for the science magazine Nautilus about how our minds mix the concepts of space and time.
- Jim Davies spoke about the psychology of the Star Wars Music with composer Joe Kraemer (Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation) on CBC's All in a Day, Monday, December 21, 2015 at 3pm. Listen online at http://www.cbc.ca/allinaday/
- Nov 30, 2015: Jim Davies publishes on the psychology of the name "Black Friday" in Nautilus
- Nov 13, 2015: Jim Davies publishes on how many friends you can have at once in Nautilus.
- Tai Lopez interviewed Jim Davies about Riveted: it racked up 54k views in two days! excerpt here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-mCnVrUI1Q
- Nov 13, 2015: Ted Lougheed interviewed Jim Davies about Riveted and the psychology of Star Wars droids on the Dr. Ted Podcast. (Davies's piece starts at 8:00) Stitcher | soundcloud
- October 13, 2015: Jim Davies's review of Peter Singer's latest book was published in Skeptic magazine.You can pick up a copy in bookstores.
Davies, J. (2015). What good can we do? A review of The Most Good You Can Do: How Effective Altruism Is Changing Ideas about Living Ethically by Peter Singer. Skeptic, 20(3), 54—55.